(font: 'Skranji')[#WitchQuest
####Written by <a href="http://phantomdotexe.deviantart.com/">Phantom</a>
####Featuring characters and art by <a href="http://k-a-r-y-u.deviantart.com/">KARYU</a>
(font: 'Open Sans')[**This work is a piece of fiction.**
The content within is not intended for a general audience. It leans heavily on <a data-passage="" class="tooltip"><span style="text-align: left; font-style: italic;">bondage, domination, leather, straitjackets, latex, sexual situations</span>adult themes</a>.
[[START|newgamescreen]]](font: 'Open Sans')[This is an **Interactive Story**. Your experience will vary depending on your choices.
To navigate the story, click the blue highlighted links. You can click the 'back' and 'forward' arrows on the left if you want to change your decisions, but don't use the *refresh, back, or forward* buttons on your browser.
[[CHAPTER 4|ch4load]]
[[CHAPTER 5|ch5load]]
[[CHAPTER 6|ch6load]]]]
(font: 'Open Sans')[Enjoy! Thanks for playing.
[[PROLOGUE]]]You are **Fantom**, a fearsome fighter and sensual scoundrel. Once, you trained as a ninja in the *Unseen School,* but those days are long behind you.
<img src="trophy_by_usagiforehead-db06me7.jpg" width="753" height="1062">
You are proud, haughty, vain, intemperate, and lustful. You have flaws, too.
For example, you're sometimes just too loving - too merciful. Cynthia Heart, your rival and friend, trained in the monk-like mystical arts of magic, stealth, and combat. However, she could never quite compare to your *mastery* of the arcane.
[[About your captive...|Cynthia lies defeated.]]
###(font: 'Skranji')[**CHAPTER ONE**]
You keep most of your slaves thoroughly gagged at all times. Many of them don't need it, and are more than happy to spend time as your unyielding servants. They've seen the benefits that come with proper obsequiance to you, **Fantom** the terrible and beautiful.
Tomorrow you've some important tasks, but today you are relaxing. There's time for one more.
[[Visit your quarters]]
[[Visit the dungeons]]
[[Visit the saucery]]###(font: 'Skranji')[CHAPTER 2]
The scent of cool, upland air fills your nostrils. Late morning sunlight wakes you gently after another restful night.
Cynthia squirms in her sleep, buckled to the mantlepiece. You've been meaning to bring out one of your other trophies for some time now.
Not only does it let you show off your goods, but it's also so very *fun* to taunt her.
*"This is it, Cyn. I'm sealing you up and bricking up the walls! You're just my little secret.*"
It's mean, but there's some part of her that blushes a particular shade of rose-red. You order her brought to one of your hidden rooms so you can properly tease her later.
[[Who to bring...]]Fantom is holed up in her mountain fortress. Within its walls are untold riches from Fantom's many conquests; gold, gems, and worst of all, captives! The worst of all are all those poor women who have become Fantom's slaves and possessions. They say that Fantom's charm and black magic is so strong that she's even able to recruit *misguided* men and women into her harem willingly...
<img src="just Fantom.png" width="400" height="1023">
[[Fantom's days are numbered!|outsidefantom]]Cynthia stood outside Fantom's castle. The setting summer sun poked through the clouds. It was going to be a beautiful, warm night... a perfect night for *justice!*
The castle had, once upon a time been an imposing home for a long-forgotten warlord. Now it belonged to the famously naughty Fantom.
The kunoichi stretched her arms and legs, ruminating on what she knew about Fantom. She was all out of guards - Cynthia had busted her gang and their false religion. She'd have magical servants, though, and probably plenty of traps...
<img src="brunhildes-castle.jpg" width="375" height="521">
[[Try the front gate]]
[[Sneak through the tunnels]]
[[Scale the wall]]The front gate was locked.
Cynthia put her hands on her hips and stroked her hair. It looked like there was a pretty complex riddle, written in magical runes, inscribed on the door.
*"Who needs sunlight or silly old springs? I have no want for those kinds of things. My top is my bottom, my bottom my top. If you knock me over, I surely stop. Awake from sleep with a soft touch. I'll never be late...at least not by much."*
She tapped a finger to her nose. "Uh, well... it's..."
[[Leather gloves|doorwrong]]
[[Preserved fruit|doorwrong]]Cynthia was no fool. She had known for a while that Fantom would keep the walls enchanted with traps. The front gate and the walls were both probably primed and ready to capture her if she made a mistake. It would be much smarter to pass through the old catacombs beneath the castle. There was no *way* that the villain would have trapped every single nook and cranny.
The ninja crouched down, took a deep breath, and began crawling through the old, musty tunnels beneath the fort. Most of the tunnels were tall enough to let her stand up straight, though a few forced her to squish and wiggle through rather claustrophobic spaces!
[[Deeper and deeper..]]
The walls were covered in scaffolding and construction equipment. Clearly, Fantom was still in the process of rennvoating her castle. Cynthia could only wonder what sort of terrible traps would await if the castle's repairs could be finished!
The scaffolding looked safe and sturdy, but was probably guarded. Meanwhile, there was a section of wall that looked a bit rickety but was shielded from sight-lines.
[[Climb scaffolding]]
[[Climb wall]]Cynthia waited a moment. She was pretty confident in her answer.
She cocked her head to one side. Before she speak, the two old doors slid open, as if controlled by magic.
"Excellent!" she beamed. "Ready or not, Fantom, here I come!"
Cynthia jumped in the air, flashing signs and grinning.
"I **knew** I'd get that one right. You've got *nothin'* on me, Fantom!"
[[Enter the castle|castleright]]Fantom's castle was an impressive mix between "evil, dark overlord" and "modern royalty." Grim, gothic-looking bars contrasted against opulent tapestries and cozy-looking carpets. Every room Cynthia visited held crates, barrels, and scaffolding. Clearly, the mistress was still getting settled in.
[[Check the main hall|wronghall]]
[[Check explore the side-rooms|wrongrooms]]Fantom's castle was an impressive mix between "evil, dark overlord" and "modern royalty." Grim, gothic-looking bars contrasted against opulent tapestries and cozy-looking carpets. Every room Cynthia visited held crates, barrels, and scaffolding. Clearly, the mistress was still getting settled in.
A girl with skin the color of summer sun stood in the main hall. She was carrying boxes - small boxes - into the room.
She could only carry the smallest of luggage due to her somewhat restricted circumstances. Short golden chains kept her hands close to her waist, matched by attractive gold cuffs around her ankles. A thick brass collar labeled her 'ARMA - 1ST LEVEL MAID'.
Cyn tried to strike up a conversation, but she seemed rather unable to chat. A bright red ballgag between her lips glowed with an ominous energy, and the strap was kept such with a lock - one with no keyhole.
Still, the maid was able to provide Cynthia a bit of help.
[["Where's Fantom hiding?]]Fantom seemed to have commissioned a massive marble statue of herself. Cynthia sighed, laughing at its ludocrous grandeur. The statue was *far* more curvaceous, far taller, and quite a bit more physically toned than the real thing.
"At least they got your skintone right," she said. The ninja rolled her eyes and turned to leave.
That's when she felt a cold, hard, and heavy hand on her shoulder. Cynthia turned her head a few degrees. She already knew what was about to happen...
[[...a losing battle, that's what!|losetostatue]]`There were countless side-rooms. Every time Cynthia thought she was making progress, there were yet more corridors!
A few of them were labeled with charcoal pastels.
"reagent storage"
"dungeoneering equipment"
"breaking room"
"stairs to Fantom's bedroom"
[[To Fantom's bedroom|wrongbedroom]]
[[One of these other rooms...]]"Mmmmph. Mmmnnnngh."
Cynthia scratched her chin. "Uh... what was that?"
Arma flexed her fingers. She was wearing cute, lacey white gloves. Cynthia blushed - she'd never be caught dead wearing all that black and white frippery!
"Mmmmnnggh! Mmm-mmmmmrggh!"
"M-maybe," started Cyn, "you could just show me the way to your captor's room? Don't worry, I'll rescue you just as soon as I defeat her."
[[Arma led the way...]]The fight was short, intense, and involved quite a lot of throwing - launching Cyn through the air, Cyn throwing heavy objects at the statue, and of course, Cyn practically throwing the fight.
She did what she could to delay and defend herself, but after getting physically hammered by the statue's enchanted mass, she surrendered to it. The statue nodded, and the exhausted ninja fell unconscious. Fantom was soon there to collect her...
[[GAME OVER|fakeover]]*"Give it up now!"*
No, that wasn't right.
*"Surrender now, or prepare to fight!*"
That sounded cliche.
*"Dead or alive, you're coming with me!*"
Too violent.
*"Fantom, I'm here to take you in. We can leave together, or with you in chains."*
Wordy, but good. Cynthia took a deep breath and kicked the door open.
"Fantom, I'm-"
[[...I'm here...]]Cynthia soon became lost in the endless maze of corridors. Minutes passed, and she began to grow dizzy. She seemed to be pacing around in circles. When she finally saw a cozy-looking room filled with pillows, she took the opportunity to rest.
She didn't notice that already sitting on the pillows were two women bound bound in leather sleepsacks and tightly gagged. Even when they started to buck and squirm, the sleepy kunoichi only thought of them as *particularly* warm and cozy pillows...
[[Sleep, Cynthia...]](font: 'Open Sans')[**Cynthia lies defeated. Fantom soon has her stripped of her equipment and magically ensorcelled. The poor ninja has no hope of escape now. Such is her tragic fate.**
<img src="cyn game over.jpg">
[[THE END?|fantom intro]]]"Sleep, Cynthia..." said Fantom.
She grinned. Fantom was beautiful in the way that only a villain could be. Her lipstick was the color of amethyst; her eyes the color of jade. She had a sinister smirk to tell her victims that she was playful, not hurtful.
And yet, here she was. Cynthia was in her grasp, drifting off to a gentle sleep. Fantom stepped closer.
"Poor thing. You got all tuckered out. Don't be surprised. I knew you were coming since you totally *bunked up* my riddle. I let you in anyway - after all, I **want** you here. But for now, rest..."
Fantom chuckled, rubbing the foreheads of her two 'pillows.'
"Thanks for taking care of her, you two. Keep up the good work and I'll upgrade you two to maids, instead of just guest pillows."
They squirmed, struggled, and mewled as Fantom took Cynthia away.
[[GAME OVER|fakeover]]Cynthia stood at the top of a landing. Behind a pair of heavy double doors was her quarry and former classmate. She turned to Arma, motioning her to go and hide - this might be an explosive fight!
She steeled herself.
*"Give it up now!"*
...too simple.
*"Surrender now, or prepare to fight!*"
That sounded cliche.
*"Fantom, I'm here to take you in. We can leave together, or with you in chains."*
Wordy, but good. Cynthia took a deep breath and kicked the door open.
"Fantom, I'm-"
[[...here to take you in!]]"You are, are you?" said Fantom.
The villain sat comfortably in a red chair, with one leg casually over the other.
She grinned. Fantom was beautiful in the way that only a villain could be. Her lipstick was the color of amethyst; her eyes the color of jade. She had a sinister smirk to tell her victims that she was playful, not hurtful.
"Yes!" said Cynthia. "I'm sorry it has to come to this, but you've left me no choice. You're a danger as long as you're free - you've misused your training and it's time to take you in."
[[Negotiate with Fantom]]
[[Attack Fantom]]"Sleep, Cynthia..." said Fantom.
She grinned. Fantom was beautiful in the way that only a villain could be. Her lipstick was the color of amethyst; her eyes the color of jade. She had a sinister smirk to tell her victims that she was playful, not hurtful.
And yet, here she was. Trapped in stasis and hit with a chronomantic curse. Her mind would slow to a crawl, while her body could still be manipulated. To Fantom, that meant bound, gagged, teased, and eventually *thoroughly* molested.
"Poor thing. You got all tuckered out. Don't be surprised. I knew you were coming since you totally *bunked up* my riddle. I let you in anyway - after all, I **want** you here. You can't even hear me, can you?"
Fantom chuckled. She posed Cynthia's face in a smile, then a frown.
"Oh well. Let's get you inside. We've got plenty of **time** to play now..."`
[[GAME OVER|fakeover]]After a few minues of what Cynthia would refer to as "dungeon crawling," she made her way out of the tunnels and into the castle proper. However, this portion of Fantom's stronghold seemed particularly old and disused. There were a number of pillows piled on the floor, and four unusual exits from the room.
The first was a trapdoor directly above her, positioned directly above the pillows. Cynthia saw the letter (text-style: "smear")[A] written on it.
Double-doors, locked up and barred with a heavy piece of wood, had the letter (text-style: "smear")[B] above them.
An elegant single door with a fan light above it seemed to a catwalk outside. It was labeled (text-style: "smear")[C].
Finally, there was a doorway made of white marble. Its classical-looking pediment was emblazoned with (text-style: "smear")[D].
Last of all, there was a simple iron door with the letter (text-style: "smear")[E] written in arcane ink.
The only clue Cynthia had was a piece of paper, *hastily* written and laying atop the pillows.
<img src="Screenshot 2018-01-18 at 23.57.38.png" width="616" height="109">
[[What did she mean by Door 13?]]
No bother. Cynthia knew that the correct way to go was...
[[Door A|DoorA]]
[[Door B|rightdoorbasement]]
[[Door C|DoorC]]
[[Door D|DoorD]]Trap-doors? No problem! Verticals leaps? Not an issue! Cyn grinned; this was the sort of physical activity that she trained for. She patted her muscular, toned thigh and crouched down before leaping up - directly up! - and smashing through the trapdoor. Unfortunately, it wasn't the correct door. She ended up on a balcony overlooking the surrounding countryside - one that happened to have two imposing golems standing sentinel for any intruders - especially the unaware and unprepared Cynthia.
[[GAME OVER|fakeover]]Cynthia traveled through an old, musty corridor. It must have been some sort of emergency escape path, as it ended in a secret door that led *directly* to Fantom's boudoir! She leaned against the door, trying to peek through and see who was on the other side. Unfortunately, her weight was a bit too much and the door gave way. On the other side, with a book in her lap, sat **Fantom** herself.
[[Your days of villainy are over, Fantom!|nicedoor]]
Door C led to a series of catwalks and paths that dotted the exterior of the castle. It was easy going, and Cynthia thought she was making pretty good progress! That was, at least, until she reached the end of the catwalk and opened the door labeled "SECRET ENTRANCE." It *was* a secret entrance... to a small cage in Fantom's parlor. The villainess was waiting for her with a gag in her hands and a grin on her face.
[[GAME OVER|fakeover]]Door D led to what appeared to be the grand hall. The only inhabitant was an utterly *massive* Fantom in the form of a sitting statue. The hedonistic harlot seemed to have commissioned a massive marble effigy of herself. Cynthia sighed, laughing at its ludocrous grandeur.
The statue was *far* more curvaceous, far taller, and quite a bit more physically toned than the real thing. "At least they got your skintone right," she said. The ninja rolled her eyes and turned to leave.
That's when she felt a cold, hard, and heavy hand on her shoulder. Cynthia turned her head a few degrees. She already knew what was about to happen... [[...a losing battle, that's what!|losetostatue]]The villain sat comfortably in a red chair, with one leg casually over the other.
She put the book on a nearby endtable. The bedroom was well-adorned with velvet-padded furniture and a comfy-looking bed. The boudoir was 'busy,' and every wall was covered in either decorations or dressers. She grinned.
Fantom was beautiful in the way that only a villain could be. Her lipstick was the color of amethyst; her eyes the color of jade.
She had a sinister smirk to tell her victims that she was playful, not hurtful.
"Yes!" said Cynthia. "I'm sorry it has to come to this, but you've left me no choice. You're a danger as long as you're free - you've misused your training and it's time to take you in."
[[Negotiate with Fantom]]
[[Attack Fantom]]Fantom was **very** persuasive. She explained, in no uncertain terms, what sort of horrid fates would await her if she was indeed brought back to the Unseen School... and what sort of *forbidden delights* Cynthia could experience under Fantom's loving care.
"Imagine yourself submitting to me. Just, for a moment, envision it. Picture you, Cynthia Heart, kneeling before me, bowing your head. Imagine the loss of control and the taboo excitement that comes with giving up."
The pale-skinned sorceress then stepped closer.
"Picture it. You'll be my slave, forever and ever. I'll protect you. You won't need to think for yourself or risk your life adventuring. You'll be mine; my precious little object to have and to hold. Is it carnal pleasure you crave? That can be done. Is it peace you wish for? Then you can remain trapped in an oubliette in a dreamy haze. You can be mine..."
[[Give in to Fantom's well-reasoned argument|givein]]
[[Try to resist the sorceress's spell|hypnozd]]"Surely," Fantom said, "You don't want to fight me?"
[[I definitely do!]]
[[Maybe I don't...|Negotiate with Fantom]]Cynthia wasn't able to resist. Then again, who could? Fantom's power was absolute here in her lair, and deep down, Cynthia didn't *want* to resist.
Fantom's fingers firmly grapsing her was the last thing she felt before she fell unconscious.
<img src="35k038l.jpg">
[[GAME OVER|fakeover]]
Cynthia launched a flying kick! She vocalized a powerful war cry and launched herself at her foe.
Without too much difficulty, the heroine wasd able to defeat Fantom. After all, Fantom was just a sorceress, and Cynthia had trained in close combat for years.
She felt pity and sorrow for having to strike her friend, but it was all in the game of truth and justice.
<img src="kneeling-over-fantom.jpg">
The victorious Cynthia was heralded far and wide. Everyone loved her. She was totally successful and completely immune to failure, having so [[utterly defeated Fantom]]...Catwalks and wooden planks creaked underfoot. Endless bundles of rope, brick, and winches to haul the masonry cluttered up the scaffolds.
A leather safety harness was attached by rope to the scaffolding.
"Nice try, Fannie. I've been tricked by magical leather straps *one time* too many. You won't be getting me that easy!"
[[Cynthia laughed.]] She was sure in her abilities.
Climbing the wall wasn't too hard. She shuffled along a slim ledge, avoiding the scaffolding and hopping over any spots that looked *particularly* dangerous.
She saw an arrow slit that was going to be just big enough for her to fit in - and she hopped inside.
[[Inside the castle]]She was immediately beset by dozens of magical, enchanted ropes! Animated and flexible, they were moving fast to bind her tight!
*Me and my big mouth*, she thought.
Cynthia had to react, and fast! Unless she wanted to end up as a present for the neck shift of workers...
[[Slip away using the magical oil]]
[[Use the longsword to cut the rope]]
[[Surrender and hope for mercy]]"Never underestimate a girl who's properly moisturized!"
With her skin feeling rejeuvenated and fresh, Cynthia easily avoided the rope-trap. She was able to press on and up, climbing the last few scaffolds.
[[Enter the upper floors|oily]]Unfortunately, the sword wasn't very effective. Cynthia swung it wildly, but soon, she was tightly bound in endless rope.
An hour later, a work crew came to resume repairing the wall, and there they found Cynthia. She was bound from head to toe in rope. Around her waist and knees, it was so thick that she was practically mummified! Around her chest, it bit tight and squished against her barely-concealed bust. It went above and below the bridge of her nose, keeping her quite contained. All she could do was whimper helplessly as they informed Fantom of her new guest...
[[GAME OVER|fakeover]]
Cynthia decided not to fight it. Why fight, anyway? She somehow had a disturbing premonition - an awareness that she was *destined* to become a prisoner of this castle.
Something told her to stop fighting and stop squirming, and let the rope do its job.
An hour later, a work crew came to resume repairing the wall, and there they found Cynthia. She was bound from head to toe in rope. Around her waist and knees, it was so thick that she was practically mummified!
Around her chest, it bit tight and squished against her barely-concealed bust. It went above and below the bridge of her nose, keeping her quite contained. She grinned and blushed, sweating slightly and wriggling against straining silk.
She tried her best to grin when Fantom arrived. Fantom grinned back.
[[GAME OVER|fakeover]]Fantom's castle was a thing of beauty! The upper floors had been finished first.
Red carpeting coated cool stone. Candles hovered in enchanted sconces. Incense smoked and wafted out the windows.
A small "servant's quarter" room held but a single inhabitant.
[[Investigate the servant]]`She had ashen hair, hitched with red hair and green eyes. Fair skin and a generous chest made her quite the bombshell!
She was also *thoroughly* gagged and tightly bound in a servant's bed! The poor woman was wearing nothing but her black undergarments and a considerable amount of silken rope. It bit tight against her hips and arms. The 'servant' turned and squirmed in her bed.
A massive ball-gag held her mouth open. She was gently gnawing on it with the tiniest amounts of saliva coming from her mouth.
[[Cynthia ungagged her.]]"Oh darn it," said the woman. "I was enjoying myself."
Cynthia turned her head. "Of course not! I'm here to rescue you.. uh..."
"Calial," responded the captive. "I'm not sure why you'd be rescuing me, though. I'm enjoying some time off. And believe me, I was going to escape sooner rather than later."
"En-enjoying!? You're a captive of an evil sorceress!"
Calial shrugged - or at least, tried to. The ropes bit nicely against her shoulders. "Well... she's not too bad. I think you should give her a chance to talk before you go about trying to defeat her."
"Speaking of Fantom..." Cynthia tried to change the subject. "Where is she?"
[[Listen]]"All right," said Calial. "There's a map on the wall. Go straight from here, then turn left at the first corner, turn right at the next corner, then turn left at the next corner it'll be in front of you."
Cynthia nodded and thanked her. She was about to ask the prisoner where Cynthia was *starting* from when she heard the tell-tale sounds of an arcane trigger popping.
She looked back... and saw Calial *heavily hooded*, tightly gagged, and blindfolded. The locks seemed to be sealed shut with magical adhesive. It looked like Calial had said too much, and that she wouldn't be helping out any outsiders for a good long while. Though she seemd quite content to squirm and mewl in her bonds...
<img src="tinymap.png">
"All right," said Cynthia. "So all I have to do is go to..."
[[Room 1|One of these other rooms...]]
[[Room 2|One of these other rooms...]]
[[Room 3|One of these other rooms...]]
[[Room 4|One of these other rooms...]]
[[Room 5|One of these other rooms...]]
[[Room 6|One of these other rooms...]]
[[Room 7|One of these other rooms...]]
[[Room 8|fantomsroomdoor]]Cynthia stood at the top of a landing. Behind a pair of heavy double doors was her quarry and former classmate.
She steeled herself.
*"Give it up now!"*
...too simple.
*"Surrender now, or prepare to fight!*"
That sounded cliche.
*"Fantom, I'm here to take you in. We can leave together, or with you in chains."*
Wordy, but good. Cynthia took a deep breath and kicked the door open.
"Fantom, I'm-"
[[...here to take you in!|heretotakewithoil]]"You are, are you?" said Fantom. "Because you seem to have gotten all oiled up for me. It looks like you're ready for a massage... or an intimate evening with *me.*"
The villain sat comfortably in a red chair, with one leg casually over the other.
She grinned. Fantom was beautiful in the way that only a villain could be. Her lipstick was the color of amethyst; her eyes the color of jade. She had a sinister smirk to tell her victims that she was playful, not hurtful.
"Yes!" said Cynthia. "I'm sorry it has to come to this, but you've left me no choice. You're a danger as long as you're free - you've misused your training and it's time to take you in."
[[Negotiate with Fantom]]
[[Attack Fantom]]Cynthia didn't look before she leapt, and found herself falling! She landed on an open trap-door and plunged through it, landing on a large pile of pillows.
There were now four exits from the room.
The first was a trapdoor directly above her. It was open above the pillows. She didn't feel like trying to climb back up.
Double-doors, locked up and barred with a heavy piece of wood, had the letter (text-style: "smear")[B] above them.
An elegant single door with a fan light above it seemed to a catwalk outside. It was labeled (text-style: "smear")[C].
Finally, there was a doorway made of white marble. Its classical-looking pediment was emblazoned with (text-style: "smear")[D].
Last of all, there was a simple iron door with the letter (text-style: "smear")[E] written in arcane ink.
The only clue Cynthia had was a piece of paper, *hastily* written and laying atop the pillows.
<img src="Screenshot 2018-01-18 at 23.57.38.png" width="616" height="109">
[[What did she mean by Door 13?|door13special]]
No bother. Cynthia knew that the correct way to go was...
[[Door B|rightdoorbasement]]
[[Door C|DoorC]]
[[Door D|DoorD]]
[[Door E|DoorC]]Cynthia was always so annoyingly *pure* of heart. Always trying to go out of her way to help others, even at her own expense. She was never able to recognize her **potential.**
Now the ninja lays in luxurious stasis. She - like any other visitor - looks so very beautiful this way. You have her strictly bound and gagged. You wouldn't want her escaping. You've got plans for this one.
<img src="cyndiz.jpg">
[[A long time later...|cynthiaslumbers]]Cynthia lies in a magical slumber on your mantle. She's your most prized of trophies - where else would she be?
Her creamy skin looks marvelous in the orange glow of the hearth. She still wears her adventuring gear; a white jacket, calf-length boots, fishnets, and a small pouch for equipment. You liked her look, so you didn't change a thing.
There are so many options if you *were* to change her outfit. You could take her out for a walk. A pair of heavy leg irons and a bit-gag. She could wander around while hooded. Maybe she could be given a maid's uniform. Or maybe trapped in heavy steel and magically sculpted brass - hung up in the rafters for safekeeping. Somewhere where she'll never be found, and she can be just your little secret.
So very many options. In the end, you leave her outfit as is.
[[She's a gorgeous trophy no matter how she's dressed.]]A few more accessories, though. You bought the straps from some elven merchant. They're guaranteed to last decades, and the metal locks will never tarnish. They hug her body tight, but she never feels discomfort nor cold. You absolutely *adore* the way they dig into her shapely thighs, squeezing her arms tight. It's stupendous. It's an exercise in contrast, and it lets you love the rest of her sexy form even more.
Sometimes you miss her face, though. An internal panel gag presses tight against her lips, a padded blindfold keeps her in the dark, and fluffy cotton packed into her ears keeps her truly isolated.
You sip from a snifter of strong brandy.
You'll take her down off the mantle *eventually*. It would be a simple thing, too - just a few straps bind her enchanted form to the mantle.
You had her as a living, squirming pillow for the first few days. You've just never gotten around to writing a good speech. The first thing that your rival hears upon being woken from a magical slumber should be... should be....
[[...something dramatic]].
[[...something sensual.]].Maybe you'll greet her with "Wake up, slave! I have come up with new torments for you. I hope you're comfortable. You're never getting free."
You picture laughing evilly, standing over her with a crop in your hands. You picture Cynthia squirming and trying to inch her way away like a snake on her belly. Then you'll tug at her collar, bringing her back to your lap. She'll never be free.
[[Nah. Not quite.]]Perhaps you'll start with "Good morning, beautiful! I just couldn't stand not seeing your cute face. You're just as sweet as when we trained together. I'm still better at magic, and you're still no good at escaping restraints. Somethings never change."
You'll kiss her on the forehead and she'll blush. She'll be gagged, probably, and she might hate it. Or she might have grown to love it. Either way, she's yours; a former friend, now unyielding trophy. Beautiful.
[[Maybe later.|Nah. Not quite.]] You leave her be for now.
The great hall felt quite empty when you first movied in. The tables had been smashed, the tapestries torn, and the stone scuffed. While you've still yet to finish it, it's much more homely with the presence of Cynthia mounted on the mantle, and a few more trophy-captives along the walls.
<img src="cyn-mantle.jpg">
[[BEGIN CHAPTER 1|CHAPTER 1]]Your living room is spacious. A wide bed sits across from a writing-desk. Curtains segment much of the long room and keep it warm. Light from windows gently fills the boudoir. Chests of drawers are decorated in a bright red-and-blue motif.
A comfy chair sits in one corner next to a bookcase, draped with some of your other clothes.
An unfinished letter sits on the table. It glows slightly, a result of your imbuing it with magical power.
[[Finish your letter]]
[[Examine your costumes]]Sometimes you just want to blow off some steam. Although most of the visitors to your dungeon qualify as 'captives,' there are a few who arrive for just a day or two - usually wealthy visitors who have somewhat unconventional desires.
You're rather low on prisoners right now. Many have been ransomed off and sent on their way. Others are on loan to fellow evildoers. The rest are enjoying some time throughout your castle, either as trophies or domestic servants.
There's something fun about the word "domestic." It reminds you of "domesticated." Which, in turn, reminds you that you need some more gold to get that ponygirl ranch built. Maybe it's time to hold up a caravan or try a quick pyramid scheme.
Your longest-term prisoner is a cute vixen who is oh-so-cutely entombed in a gold sarcophagus. She has white hair that is just oh-so-pleasing to touch, as well as gold eyes which you can lose yourself in. To make certain that you wouldn't get distracted, you ordered her mummified in endless rolls of linen bandages, wrapped in preserving scrolls, and encased in a nice gold coffin.
There's nothing like a loyal, voluptuous vixen curled up around your legs. You'll have to unwrap her. *Eventually.*
[[Later...]] The *Saucerer Supreme* is busying herself in the kitchen. You enjoy the aromas of a splendid *juvert* sauce. Sheila, your blue-haired amazonian cook, eagerly serves you a dish of poultry and vegetables smothered in a splendid sauce.
You compliment Sheila on her meal and she bows. Tall, blue-haired, and wearing a fairly functional maid uniform, she's eager to please and pleased to hear you so eager.
"I imported some of the ingredients from as far away as Flavortown," Sheila says with a grin. "Others came from the Greengold Elves to the east."
[[Inquire about Flavortown]]
[[Inquire about the Drow Monastery]]*To Warden Nalen Kaya...*
You haven't finished this one. It's supposed to force the reader to switch bodies with the writer - the ultimate "get-out-of-jail" card, quite literally. Magic can be a dangerous thing, and one of your favorites is to tie it to *stares*.
Just as love potions can be based around "the first person you see," some of your magic relies on the first person you stare at. It's fun watching plebians avert their gazes.
You finish the letter and send it off, to be brought to the Warden in the event that you are arrested in Alysa City. Just in case.
[[Later...]]You've got a nice variety of costumes. Your favorite as of late was a rather sultry outfit as an abbess.
Leather gloves and boots, a long habit, and a skeleton bra. These are not the normal holy vestements, but you quite like them. It reminds you that you've still got a few minions who'd gladly work with you if you got in touch with them again.
You brush up on some of the passphrases - just in case you need to masquerade as a monastic sort again.
[[Later...]] `The last sunbeams filter through the light. It illuminates the dust in the air. You stare at the door to your bedroom. The moment the sun goes down, she comes out.
[[Enter]]"I bought the ingredients from a merchant - I've never been to Flavortown myself. You have to go during the right *seasoning*, and you have to be on time to - you can't be *tart*-y."
"Curious," you say.
"Indeed, Fantom - Flavortown is ruled over by a wise *sage* known as Fieri, the Flamegiver."
"I'd hate to lose you, Sheila - you **butter nut** get yourself injured just trying to procure ingredients!"
[[Later...]] "It's a strange place, but quite welcoming. They like to test their visitors. If you can indeed make it there without falling victim to their spooky forest, then they hold you in high regard. If you go there through trickery - like taking a hostage - they consider you weak, and test you further."
"Curious," you reply.
"Indeed. One of their gods is Ellistraee, a dark goddess of dance, song, and beauty. Those elves do so love their ceremony."
"Dance, song, and beauty, eh?"
"Aye," says Sheila, "Healing, kindness, service, healing - all of the good things in life."
You file this for later.
[[Later...]]Cynthia's ghastly form apparates on the bed as you walk in.
She's just as beautiful as the day you caught her. Her spirit-form takes on a slightly more pallid color, but it hardly hurts her complexion.
Her body is, of course, **securely** strapped up on your mantle. There's no better place to store your most prized posession and former friend than permanently packed and presented above the fireplace.
However, every night, her spirit appears, freed from her bonds. Well, temporarily at least.
[[You approach her.]]She lets out a long, pleasant squeak. You flick your fingers, drawing magic between them. Now you can take your sweet time in binding her - body and soul!
You approach the bed. The sun is totally down and she becomes solid. You put one boot on her rear and force her to a kneeling position.
"Fantom, are - are you going to tie me up tonight?" She blushes and rubs one hand against her cheek.
[[You bind her arms]]...<img src="cynsarms.png">
She flexes her fingers as you pull the straps tight.
[[...and harness her body tight...]]<img src="cynsarmsprofile.png">
She arches her back and huffs, forcing her chest out.
[[...and lock up her legs]]<img src="cynslegs.png">
Cynthia flexes her toes. She wriggles her legs around like a snake.
[[...and hood her beautiful face.]]
<img src="cynhooded.png">
You've got her bound in body and mind alike. Her physical form remains on your mantle, should any guests come looking... and her astrally-projected spirit is here, squirming, moaning, cooing, complacent in her companionable captivity.
The moon is high in the night sky. You gently rub your face against her panel-gagged lips. She's *yours* - your lovely pillow, your perfect guest, your titillating trophy, your gorgeous girl. Superb. You simply can't keep your hands off of her. Pleasant sounds come from the willing spirit.
It's a good night.
[[CHAPTER 2]]It would help to pull out someone who could serve a practical purpose, as well; someone to function as a 'sounding board' for your evil plans. Someone who could provide advice.
There are two options today. The first is (link-reveal:"Helen")[, a young scholar you captured a year or two ago. She's got a lot of creativity and a strong attention to detail. When properly bound, she's an absolute well of knowledge"].
The other is (link-reveal: "Theo")[, a cute princeling you nabbed this month. He's so accomodating and polite, and has a certain ability to see the big picture. It helps that he has laudible stamina and endurance appropriate to your needs].
[[Objectify Helen]]
[[Display Theo]]###(font: 'Skranji')[**CHAPTER THREE**]
The magic of the *alarm* spell has worn off, but the panic it caused is still present. Suddenly, your lair feels eerie and alien. The long bookcases and shelves loom. The stolen tapestries hang in strange stillness.
You approach the entry hall. You feel vulnerable. You've only just had time to get dressed. There are voices; loud and haughty. There's laughter. You can't make it out from here. The marbled floors turn their words to mushy echoes.
[[Peer over the balcony]]Two dozen individuals, varying race. Bandits, mercenaries, *condotta*. They're bounty hunters. You can make them out a bit better from here.
Your ensorcelled statue lies in pieces on the floor. It seems to have knocked a few of them silly, but it wasn't enough. A woman with a pixie cut and shockingly pink hair stands atop its crumbled stone head. She's the source of the laughter.
*"I don't see what's so funny, Jaina...*" says a girl. Her arms are crossed. She wears a coat with puffy shoulderpads and a tall witch's hat. *"I did all the work.*" She looks quite competent.
"Ah, blow it out your arse, Salena! I'm keepin' the head as a trophy!" Jaina, the uncouth bandit, grabs the severed head of your carefully-sculpted statue. With a rather prodigous strength, she lifts it aloft and laughs again. She's got a mirrored shield and a nasty-looking mace.
Another woman knocks walks forward. She wears asymmetrical green robe, brown stockings, and sarashi wraps around her legs.
[[She's all business.]]With a flick of her wrist, the leader knocks the statue's head from Jaina's hands. It shatters on the ground.
"It was magical. Ten minutes ago it was ready to beat you to a pulp. Fantom is dangerous. Don't take any chances." With that, she draws a short dagger, throws open the door to the library, and disappears.
The mage, Salena, waves to the other mercenaries. "You heard Sanae. Spread out. Find Fantom. We can return the hostages once she's incapacitated."
The mage subtly motioned her staff at Jaina, the brutal one. "That means no looting until we have her in chains.
"*Pfft.* Sure."
[[Not good.|choicesforintruders]]
Not good at all.
The bounty hunters are playing it smart. They fan out, sticking together in big groups. Arcane wardings glow around some of them. You won't be able to take out any of them in a single attack. Even a lethal *fireball* wouldn't do the trick, and leave you open to a counter-attack.
You're also outnumbered more than twenty to one.
[[Aggressively attempt to take out a group]]
[[Plan your escape]]
[[Look for a straggler]]
[[Distract one of their leaders]]The hunters are a bit too well-trained to be taken out one by one. Four of them - led by Jaina - walk through the rooms with crossbows drawn. They keep a close eye on all possible avenues of attack.
You begin incanting a *deep slumber* spell. When the time is right, you speak the words and let loose the enchantment.
Three of them fall to the ground instantly, unable to resist your compulsion. One of them manages to shake it off, and begins shouting something to alert his companions.
You can't quite make out his words - your ears are ringing. Jaina laughs and lets loose an uncouth insult. She bangs her mace against her *perfectly mirrored* shield, chuckling and blowing dust from its smooth and silvered surface. Your dazed face is visible in it.
(text-style: "mirror")[
[[You fall to your knees.]]
]Time is fleeting. You say a few words and charge up a powerful *admonishing ray* - a spell to blast the first creature you make eye contact with. You haven't had time to focus yourself, so it's the best you can do.
You could [[make a break for it|flee right away]] now, while the intruders are still getting the layout of your castle lair.
It might be more prudent instead to [[visit your alchemical lab|get potions]] and stock up. Having reagents and access to your magic is critical.
Then again, [[stocking up on gold|get money]] is universally useful. You've got a bag filled with pieces of platinum for this very occasion. There were some enchanted pieces of protection in your hoard too, just in case.You have Sheila and a few other servants carefully remove Cyn from the mantle and brought downstairs. They place her on a large stone slab and you whisper deeply into her ear. Though plugged with wax, you know she can hear you - you're bonded magically, after all.
*"Goodbye, Cynthia...*"
With that, she is teleported to your most hidden of caches. A veritable oubliette, you know that she is completely safe - and completely incapable of escape. It's a small room with very little - a few spaces for storage, a mirror (so you can properly see every angle of your stored captives!) and an emergency exit.
They bring Helen out from the dungeon. Helen was blessed with a pretty form. She had short brown hair and wore spectacles. When you met her on that expedition, she was pert, professional, and expected perfection. She doesn't complain quite so much now.
(set: $display1 to 'helen')
[[Have her set up]]You have Sheila and a few other servants carefully remove Cyn from the mantle and brought downstairs. They place her on a large stone slab and you whisper deeply into her ear. Though plugged with wax, you know she can hear you - you're bonded magically, after all.
*"Goodbye, Cynthia...*"
With that, she is teleported to your most hidden of caches. A veritable oubliette, you know that she is completely safe - and completely incapable of escape. It's a small room with very little - a few spaces for storage, a mirror (so you can properly see every angle of your stored captives!) and an emergency exit.
[[Set up Theo]]Helen is dressed identically to many of your pets. A very tight base hood with triangular space, leaving her mouth and nose bare. Good for when they need to converse or when you have use for them. Of course, that also means you can swap in ring-gags or harnesses for visibility. You know in the "Mage Room" upstairs, you have all three poor things trapped with full muzzles and metal masks *over* their tight, thin hoods. It's good when you only need them for aesthetics.
This girl, on the other hand, is ungagged. You had to trim her hair a bit too; that's what happens when you've got someone magically preserved for a few years! But after being bathed and cleaned, she's now properly ready for mounting.
Thick leather straps generously bite against her calves and thighs. A nice pair of leg-irons mean that, should you take her down from the mantle, she'll be able to follow you - slowly - and keep up. Her arms are held behind her back in a very fine armbinder, and she stands up straight with her breasts out and ready. Barbell piercings mark her as a very kinky type from a mile away.
You've given her a very elegant blindfold. It's a soft fabric that mates with a golden crown atop her head. It makes for a thoroughly elegant appearance. She's the 'oracle' you didn't know you were missing.
[[Converse with Helen]]"It's a good start, Ma'am," she says. The edges of her mouth turn to a grin. "Although I was hoping for a hood. This almost seems insufficient."
You cordially explain to her that if she can provide good advice, then you'll politely pack her with plugs and a heavy gag - complete with a spell to let her chat while bound. She seems to appreciate it.
"Well, O Great and Powerful Witch, do you want me to [[spin you a prophecy]]? Or perhaps I could just give you some [[good advice.]]Helen goes silent for a minute, occasionally squirming and humming in her bonds. You flick at her clamped brest, and she bites her lip with a smile.
"Righto. I envision you trying to take advantage of someone; someone whose home you have entered. She, however, knows you too well; she takes a gamble and turns your trick back on you. The result is your downfall."
"Very dramatic," you say.
Helen grins. "Perhaps I should be gagged for a spell. You wouldn't want to waste all my magic."
You provide a leather-ribbed ring gag, although you're not entirely sold on the prophecy.
[[Later...|attackinto]]"You want some good advice? Remember that you have to fall before you can fly. Assume that you're going to take some licks, especially once you leave your home. But also assume that it's not the end of the world - or the end of your story - if you wind up bound and gagged on someone's mantle."
Sage advice indeed. You provide her with a wad of cloth and a muzzle over it to gag her. You wouldn't want her to run out of advice anytime soon.
[[Later...|attackinto]](if: $display1 is 'helen')[You're ruminating on Helen's words when the alarm comes. It's a pleasant tri-tone alert that triggers only when your magical defences are breached. There are intruders in your home.]
(if: $display1 is 'theo')[You're enjoying the afterglow of your play with Theo when the alarm comes. It's a pleasant tri-tone alert that triggers only when your magical defences are breached. There are intruders in your home.]
[[CHAPTER 3]] This little royal really was worth the effort. You're torn between granting him his freedom and keeping him - he's just so very useful to have.
After having him washed, bathed, and cared for, you personally gear him up and mount him in the main hall. He is rewarded substantially with substantial gear. A custom-fit sleeve slides effortlessly over his arms, forcing them back and his head forward. As long as he's being stretched, you pack his mouth and rear with appropriate plugs, each one harnessed by leather straps that wind and harness around his chest. A nice blindfold - and over that, a leather hood - make him oh-so-deliciously anonymous. A little chastity belt will keep his uncouth manhood and furiously filled rear in slightly more elegant circumstances. The loincloth drapes over his legs quite nicely, though his buckling knees occasionally make it swish and sashay.
[[Later...|attackinto]]You slip away - careful *not* to attack the attacking mercenaries, but instead maneuvering around them. You prepare a *deep slumber* spell for the first mook to come your way. Thankfully, most of the baddies seem too paranoid about being taken by surprise to act aggressively, and you make your way to your hidden escape room without a hitch.
*Whew*. You wipe the sweat from your brow and adjust your hair. That was close! But you've got a generous headstart. Who needs trinkets and magic when time is on your side!
[[Time to go.|saferoomautoend]]A bunch of ruffians are busy ransacking your workshop! Your arcane enchanter, your forge, your crafting table... all left in disarray! They aren't breaking anything, but they're carefully looking for any indication of a trap, a secret door, or any sign of you.
Behind them is a tiny *bag of holding* - a magical sack in which you've kept all your components and a few useful potions. You don't have time to subdue all of these idiots and pack carefully - you need that bag!
Only one of the hunters is any real threat, though - Sanae, the group's leader. She's thumbing through one of your bookcases and journals. She wears a stern frown, which complements her ninja garb quite nicely. The ninja idly fingers a crystallized clod of elmental earth - one you know has been stolen from your supplies.
She raises an eyebrow as you enter.
[[Only way out is through.|shortfight]]
(set: $item to 'magic')(link: "Your hoard is filled with all manner of treasure.")[ Your hoard approaches 'hoarding.' You've got a compunction to take everything you see whenever you clear out a castle or dungeon.
You've got elven shadow puppets, a ball of cotton string (that the seller said was 500 years old), a baby rattle shaped like a pig, a person-sized casket filled with living ropes, a vial of liquid vitriol, a bracelet made of snake fangs, a pile of potatoes that never seems to run low, a pair of drum sticks from the *drum of annihilation*, a five-pointed throwing glaive, a canopic jar with the soul of a jackal, a silver Menofix, a polished human skull with jade eyes, a book of goblin poems, a red stocking filled with diamonds (formerly coal), a corn-husk ragdoll from your childhood, a book on algebra, one basilisk egg, three talents of silver, a necklace of nacreous gold, a sarcophagus in which a mummified white-furred vixen lies dormant, a tapestry depicting a white dragon, a Bondarian crown, and thirty-two thousand, eight hundred and ninety-six gold coins' worth of assorted coinage.] The room is quite cluttered.
Sorting through it is Salena, the hunters' tamed elementalist. She wears her pointed witch's hat and robes like a brand. She has the bearing of a princess, to be certain; it's likely that her arcane training is just a cover job. If only you had more time, you'd be eager to have her bound, gagged, and squirming. She'd make an excellent piece for ransom... or display. If only.
While the other mercs are helping themselves to your treasure, Salena seems intent on helping those bound and gagged trophies out of their restraints. She doesn't seem to be entirely selfless, though - she has your *bag of holding* filled with gold, and it's tucked under her belt.
Her back is turned; she's busy picking the lock some young baronette's bindings.
[[Grab her from behind|realbeat21]]
[[Knock her out with a spell]]
(set: $item to 'money')(font: 'Skranji')[E01]
Some time later...
*Militia from the nearby town and even a few knights from a nearby lord had gathered outside, speaking with the freed captives.
Sanae's cart was laden heavy with treasure. For bringing Fantom to justice, she had helped herself to the choicest of goods from the witch's hoard. Precious gold, shining silver, and* objets d'art *were piled high.
They threw Fantom's unconscious body into a wooden chest. Although trapped in a magical sleep, they took no chances at all with letting the witch free!
Her mouth had been `stuffed` full with a chewy, expanding foam gag. Her dark lips were covered up with a leather mouth corset, one that continued down her neck until it became a posture collar. Once that was tightly laced, Sanae had insisted that a second, heavier panel gag be locked around her jaw. It pressed tight against her hidden lips. She might be able to grunt, but she'd never be able say a word of power like this.
Salena suggested binding her hands too, in case she had any tools or charms hidden on her body. Although Jaina was confident that she had searched `every` nook and cranny, it paid to be thorough. Each hand was encased in a leather mitten. Her hands were balled up and left grasping at a padded wooden rod - giving her something to grip for when she woke up. Over that, Sanae had her strictly locked in a pair of metal spheres and cuffs. They were heavy, humiliating, and reflected the setting sun quite nicely.
Next to the chest, Jaina casually plopped down one final piece of treasure - the unconscious body of Cynthia Heart. After all, if they were going to redeem one ninja for a bounty, they might as well do two.
The mercenaries clambered aboard their horses and carts and set off. Fantom's life of crime was over. The two ninja slumbered peacefully, none the wiser of their futile fate!*
(align: "=><==")[
]<img src="fantomboundforevergameover.gif" alt="Drawn by Karyu"> </a>
Fantom's adventures are over... for now.
Major thanks to <a href="https://k-a-r-y-u.deviantart.com//">Karyu</a> who provided fantastic images and scintillating ideas on this long-overdue project.
Also thanks to <p><a
<a href="https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Main_Page//">Wikimedia Commons</a> for the public domain images, and finally <a href="https://yashasun.deviantart.com/">Yashasun for Creative Commons imagery</a>. Thanks to href="https://aria-warden.deviantart.com/">Aria</a> for some writing help.
And of course, this game wouldn't be the same without **you**. Thank you so much for reading!
Make sure to let me know what you think. If you enjoyed your ending, then stay withit... or [[try again|newgamescreen]] from a previous checkpoint.
Theo is dressed identically to the other men in your possession (and employ). That means the barest of garments - a loincloth and underwear - along with leggings and gloves. He has short and very dark hair, and for now, you've given him his spectacles back.
"Whatever can I help you with, ma'am?"
[[Inquire about geopolitics]]
[[Inquire about magic]]
(set: $display1 to 'theo')The terrible irony of having your *own spell* reflected back at you is enough to make you scream. But it's like being in a dream; you're not sure if you're yelling, or just *willing* yourself to yell.
The spell takes hold as your will drifts away. A warm and cozy green web of ribbons extends around your body, mating and wrapping you up in a pleasantly warm embrace. The ropes seem so very comfy, and your bondage is so complete.
<img src="self-ko-surrounded.jpg">
[[You have been defeated.|cart ending]]You spend the morning time in discussion. He's extremely knowledgeable, and makes for a more professional - if less 'fun' - conversational partner.
"Dark elves come in many varieties, ma'am. The majority are cruel and xenophobic. Those that dwell on the surface are likely outcasts, by choice by bad luck."
"And what should I do if I see one?"
Theo nods. "They're likely exactly who they say they are, and are lacking in pretense. Don't assume that just because they're dressed in tight leathers that they're going to double-cross you. Use that earnestness to your advantage."
[[He is promptly rewarded.]]"Well ma'am," says Theo, "You draw from men and women both. We work as your batteries, of sorts; siphoning off the excess energy we create."
"I know all this," you say to Theo.
You the morning in discussion. He's extremely knowledgeable, and makes for a more professional - if less 'fun' - conversational partner.
"I should note," he responds, "that you're a powerful magician in your own right, even if you don't have a legion of servants to give your power and worship. I'd be careful around mirrors, especially if you're tense or stressed. You might accidentally send a spell at the mirror - and have it promptly reflected back at you!"
[[He is promptly rewarded.]]Your safe room is small. There's very little decoration here, aside from a long mirror. It's quite secluded; this little chamber has no obvious points of exit.
That's what the stone sigil on the ground is for. It's been enchanted to *teleport* anyone who stands on to a safe distance away from your lair. It's warded against against anyone who doesn't have the proper talisman, too. Unfortunately, it can only send one person at a time.
The only other things in the safe room are Cynthia - currently lying comfortably on a wooden bench - a hatch that leads to a small oubliette for storage, and a boxes with some old clothes.
You spend a moment gazing at Cyn's *exquisite* body. To be forever young, and forever trapped in a dreamy sleep... you blush and tap your cheek at the thought.
[[Leave in a rush]]
[[Head back to pack|Plan your escape]](font: 'Skranji')[E02]
Leaving so soon?
Your decision to exfiltrate in a rush has serious consequences. You're not even dressed for adventure!
That, unfortunately, means you lack *any* of your gear, clothing, or talismans.
Your spells work too well, and the moment you step on the pad you realize your mistake; magic makes no distinction between the mistress of the house (who has merely forgotten her trademark headband!) and an intruder.
You are treated as the latter. Magical bandages fly out from the pad, wrapping you from your biceps to your ankles. You yell out, and hop off the pad. Cynthia, bound and hooded, can't help you here!
<a href="http://fav.me/d711rlk">
<img src="mum1.png" alt="Mummy Curse by Yasha1999 is licensed under CC BY-NC 3.0"> </a>
Another layer apparates from the trapped pad, this time covering you from your nose to the soles of your feet. Thicker now, it covers your bare feet and toes and makes it difficult to walk - or hop.
<a href="http://fav.me/d711rlk">
<img src="mum2.png" alt="Mummy Curse by Yasha1999 is licensed under CC BY-NC 3.0"> </a>
Right before you fall over, a third and final layer of bandages streaks forward. It finishes the deed, covering your eyes and hair under a sleek linen layer. Enchanted red ribbons wrap around your chest and ankles, glowing with gold-hued sigils. You levitate through the air, cursing your fate and your hubris!
<a href="http://fav.me/d711rlk">
<img src="mum3.png" alt="Mummy Curse by Yasha1999 is licensed under CC BY-NC 3.0"> </a>
You know *exactly* what's happening. You're being deposited inside the tiny oubliette and the lid will be closed. A message will be sent to the master bedroom indicating that an intruder awaits pickup.
<a href="http://fav.me/d711rlk">
<img src="mum4.png" alt="Mummy Curse by Yasha1999 is licensed under CC BY-NC 3.0"> </a>
You're not sure what's worse - trapped in a tomb of your own making, or being found by the bounty hunters. You don't have time to think on it though as you drift off to sleep.
(align: "=><==")[
]She's spotted you. She doesn't smile, only turning to face you. She keeps her bust bandaged down and wears fairly practical clothing. She's not the type for witty banter.
In a flash, she's running directly at you! She draws a pair of hidden knives from her skirt. They glow with an unknown, puissant enchantment.
She'll be on top of you in two seconds. You prepare to loose the psell. What do you do?
[[Knock away her knives]]
[[Blast away the crystal]]The captive in question - a dark-haired explorer named Deanna DuPont - tried to break into your castle last week, thinking it abandoned. She's been enjoying a series of gorgeous golden restraints ever since. The sturdy metal is padded with leather, hugging her skin comfortably but quite tightly. Still gagged, her eyes go wide when you approach. Salena notices and whirls around. DuPont squirms away over a pile of gold coins as you grab Salena - although by the front, not the back.
She bucks and kicks, and you try your best to keep her quiet. You've got a firm hand over her mouth and one on her wrist, hugging her close as she tries to cast spells. She *does* manage a muffled "lrngghg-brrlt", resulting in a stinging zap of electricity that arcs through the air. You shove her backward, and she nearly trips before stopping against a large wooden casket. There's a *lot* of clutter.
In the scuffle, you manage to grab the bag from her waist. She adopts a fighting pose. She brandishes her staff, tipped with a sun-and-moon icon, and glares.
"I know what it's like to have a bounty on my head," she says. "I also know that these hunters will never stop. You might as well give up now, Fantom." She has a low, serious voice. It's adorable.
You flash a grin as the casket opens up. She turns her head to see a cloud of *living rope* effusing from its dark interior. She yelps as only a princess could as she's tangled up, bound, harnessed, thoroughly restrained by ropes that exist only to bind.
You don't have time to see the finished product as you dart towards your [[saferoom]].
**You now have *money*.***You 'load up' another spell as you escape; this time, you ready *slumber on sight*. The first person who locks eyes with you is going to find themselves trapped in magical sleep and quite thorouhgly bound.
Luckily, your actions in the prior hall gave you a wide berth. No other intruders see you as you make your way to your escape room. It's a shame to leave this all behind, but once you set yourself up a bit, you'll be back.
[[You make it to the escape room]].Sanae flips through the air and lands in a heap, colliding with a rack of reagents. Potions begin to tumble off the shelves, and she quickly rights herself and avoids any of their strange effects.
In that time, you manage to grab your bag. The room begins to fill with smoke as strange alchemical compounds mix. You can hear Sanae yelling as you exit for your [[safe room|saferoom]].
**You now have *magic*.**The elemental earth flies from her hand. She practically stops midair, as if the force propelling her has dried up.
She makes eye contact with you for *just* long enough to see another spell coming her way. The nonlethal rays smack her silly, and she lies unconscious on the floor. A few plumes of smoke rise from her sleeping body. The other mercenaries in the room flee, hurrying to warn their comrades and muster reinforcements.
It leaves you enough time to grab your bag, fill it with a few extra components, and leave Sanae a little present. Although you're in the midst of your *great escape*, you make sure to stuff her mouth full of her bandaeges before **accidentally** leaking a few drops of shiny black ichor on her.
Within a minute, she'll be totally coated from her mouth to her toes in shiny, squeaky, living latex. Slipping *below* her clothes to make sure that she experiences sublimely shiny encasement, the ichor will make for quite the scene when the rest of her friends get here.
Unfortunately, you don't have time to sit around and wait for the finished product. You slip through through a hidden passage [[to your escape room|saferoom]]
**You now have *magic*.**Salena doesn't know what hit her. None of the minions do. You extend your hand and your *admonishing ray* beams from your hand. It zaps the mage, hitting her on the back of the head. She slumps forward, woozy from the magical assault. The other hunters drop what they're doing (or looting). Half run, and the other half stay put to get hit by forceful bolts from your hands.
It's draining, but it's worth it. You grab your *bag of holding* and have time to load it full of loot - currency only, no time for sentimentality, save for a few magical rings of protection.
Besides, with that spell, you've also got time to give Salena some royal treatment. She's woozy from the blow, but not awake enough to resist.
You stuff a wad of cloth between her thin lips, stretching a tight bandage around her mouth. You *generously* provide a thick bandana tied behind her head. Since you're a giving guest, you also treat her to two more thin bandanas that cover her chin and nose.
She *is* a princess, after all. You give her the honor of a blindfold and tight-fitting sack stretched around her head. She can breathe just fine, but she won't be seeing or speaking. For an extra insult, you slap her wrists in a pair of golden cuffs (only the finest for royalty on the run!) and tuck her staff between her breasts before tying it to her knees and stomach.
A valuable use of your limited time, no doubt. You blow her a kiss goodbye - your hear the mercenaries coming, and you slip through a passage to your [[escape tunnel|saferoom]]
**You now have *money*.***You quickly gear up in your adventuring garb. Fishnets stockings, knee-high boots, a leotard and long gloves. There's also your headband. You've never quite questioned why ninja from your school dress the way they do, but, well, here you are. You dress like this because you like looking sexy. If it teases others, well, that's always good - but you like the way that you get to show off your pale skin. Besides, the boots are comfy.
You've got your gear and you take a satchel filled with travel equipment. It's time to [[escape!|Escape!]]Your safe room is small. There's very little decoration here, aside from a long mirror. It's quite secluded; this little chamber has no obvious points of exit.
That's what the stone sigil on the ground is for. It's been enchanted to *teleport* anyone who stands on to a safe distance away from your lair. It's warded against against anyone who doesn't have the proper talisman, too. Unfortunately, it can only send one person at a time.
The only other things in the safe room are Cynthia - currently lying comfortably on a wooden bench - a hatch that leads to a small oubliette for storage, and a boxes with some old clothes.
You spend a moment gazing at Cyn's *exquisite* body. To be forever young, and forever trapped in a dreamy sleep... you blush and tap your cheek at the thought.
(if: $item is 'magic')[You're geared up with a few potions and magical reagents. You'll have access to your more powerful spells and charms, should the need arise.]
(if: $item is 'money')[You've got a fat sack of cash; enough to gear up if you get to a town, or offer a substantial bribe before that. You're also wearing a magic ring or two.]
[[Gear up and go]]
(link: "Give Cyn a quick grope")[She has been thoroghly molested. She grinds her legs gently. Is she dreaming of you?
(link: "Seal her up for safekeeping")[You lower her sleeping body into the oubliette. No time will pass within it. She's safe and sound; when you eventually come back for her, your rival will be as fresh as the moment you left her. She qruims a bit as you lower her down and shut the hatch.]]
(link: "Check yourself out in the mirror")[You look fine.
(link: "But really, how do I look?") [You don't have time to gussy up. [[Get dressed and check yourself out in the mirror]]]]You quickly gear up in your adventuring garb. Fishnets stockings, knee-high boots, a leotard and long gloves. There's also your headband. You've never quite questioned why ninja from your school dress the way they do, but, well, here you are.
You glimpse briefly at the mirror. You seem fine. You've got your bag, a satchel for travel, and a lot of spunk.
(link: "Gussy up")[You absolutely do not have time to put on makeup, eyeshadow, or lipstick.
(link: "Use the mirror to max-out your charm")[This room isn't really suitable.
[[Do it anyway]]]]You wave goodbye to Cynthia and your castle. You'll be back for them eventually. Until then, you've got to regroup and find a new lair. No good villainess is without a lair.
Schemes are already forming as you hop on the teleporter pad. You grin as energy crackles around you, and you hop (via the astral plane) a few miles [[outside the castle|CHAPTER 4]].
You look **good**. You look damn good. You're sexy, and you know it. You dress this way and act this way because you like it.
<img src="fan-mirror-1.png" alt="Drawn by Karyu" width="447" height="497">
Maybe, just maybe, you wanted this to happen because you like it.
[[Whoops.]]You can already feel your mind emptying and your body growing weak. Your hands are tugged behind your back.
<img src="fan-mirror-2.png" alt="Drawn by Karyu" width="447" height="497">
Rope, summoned from the aether, wraps and whips around your body with incredible speed. It hugs tight, tighter than you dreamed but never uncomofrtable. It squeezes your rear and breasts and each layer makes you feel more and more hazy.
[[You've done it now.]]You stare back at the mirror. Maybe it's better this way. Mirror's arent' common. You're lucky to be able to see yourself succumb such splendid, stupendous, and inescapable bondage.
<img src="fan-mirror-3.png" alt="Drawn by Karyu" width="447" height="497">
You know that they'll probably never find you two down here. It's a very well-hidden room.
[[Your journey ends just as it was about to begin.]](font: 'Skranji')[E00]
<img src="never-found-ending.jpg" alt="Drawn by Karyu" width="913" height="663">
(align: "=><==")[
[[Well done.|GAME OVER]]
##(font: 'Skranji')[**CHAPTER FOUR**]
After a few minutes of careful sneaking, you're confident you've escaped your former lair and the captors within.
the logical next step is to head to the <a data-passage="" class="tooltip"><span style="font-style: italic;">A formal association of criminals based in nearby towns and cities. No one can enter a town and simply start a job as a burglar or kidnapper without joining their number.</span>Thieves Guild</a> and see if they know of any other good spots to *lair up*. You're simply not an evil villainess without a dungeon of your own.
After a few hour's travel, you arrive outside **Bilbridge**. It has just a few central streets surrounded by farmland. The people have nowhere to go and nowhere to be, and probably not much money to spend if they had anything they needed to do.
The evening sun beats down. You've got time to visit one, maybe two locations before you bed down. (if: $item is 'money')[Coins jingle in your pocket. The promise of a hot meal is tempting.]
[[Avoid town entirely and continue|avoidtown]]
[[Visit the public hostel|hospice]]
[[Visit the inn & tavern|tavern and inn]]
[[General store|store]]
[[Blacksmith|smithy]]It's not comfortable, but you go around town entirely. If nothing else, you're staying out of the public eye and hopefully far away from bounty hunters.
(if: $item is 'magic')[You wiggle your fingers and produce a tent, soundly sleepy and protected by a magical *alarm*.](else:)[It's not a pleasant night, and you don't get much sleep. You set up your bedroll beneath a tree.]
[[The next day|Aftertown]]The clerics here at the hostel are a kindly, boring, Neutral Good sort of folk. They happily invite you in and provide some bland porridge and a tiny room to sleep in.
One of them makes an unsubtle *cough* sound and points to a sign claiming **DONATIONS WELCOME**.
(if: $item is 'money')[ (link: "Flip them a coin")[You toss them a silver coin. The monks bow kindly and provide you with a chilled, refreshing tankard of cider.]]
After some food and drink, you [[head to bed.|bedhospice]](if: $item is 'money')[The **Puny Pilgrim** welcomes you. All these small-town inns work the same way; you pay money and get a meal (the same as everyone else) and a room for the night.
The few other travelers and locals mingle, singing songs about the poisonous black lotus or of fearsome dragons to the west.
Just like every other inn, they provide loads of bread to fill you up before they bring out the meat. To your surprise, the chef - a visiting mage by the name of Miranda - offers as much meat as you can eat.
"What's your speciality?" you ask.
"Illusions and mimicry," she says with a proud grin.
The night is pleasant, though you wake up quite hungry.
[[The next day...|Aftertown]]]
(else:)[You try your best to bluff your way into a room, but without coin you don't manage it.
The visiting chef, a wandering mage named Miranda, does offer you a hearty bowl of soup. It's thick and tasty. Your heart sinks when you realize that it's all hallucinatory stuff; magical mimickry that won't really fill you up.
Miranda *does* offer you as much illusory bean-and-chicken soup as you can eat, however.
[[Back outside]]]The store-owner is a tall man with olive skin and shoulder-length hair. He has a few goods that catch your eye; the rest are mundane and not worth your valuable attention.
(if: $item is 'money')[He spreads them on the counter before you. You have the money to buy all three, but you should probably only buy two... buying three might draw a bit more attention than you'd like.
* Noseplugs and a wad of handkerchiefs, enchanted to protect against airborne dangers and gases (link: 'Buy them?')[ Bought noseplugs. (set: $hasnoseplugs to 'true')]
* A pair of elbow-length gloves that look very fashionable (link: 'Buy them?')[ Bought gloves. They make you feel confident. (set: $gloves to 'true')]
* A mysterious, crystalline cube. (link: 'Buy it?')["Oh no," says the shopkeeper. "It's far too valuable. This is the Tear of a Dragon." It is cool to the touch and leaves your fingers.... sweaty? (link: 'Buy it, I say!')[You purchase it and the shopkeeper nods soberly. (set: $cube to 'true')]]
(if: $item is 'magic')[Unfortunately, you don't really have the funds for anything fancy. You stock up on some food and exit.]
[[Return to town|backtotown1]]A sign reads (text-style: "emboss")[PHOENIX'S SMITHY] . The proprieter - an attractive man with red hair and a beard - is looking at his wounded hands.
"Injured them last week," he says. "Haven't really been able to work, and my apprentice can't keep up with demand."
(if: $item is 'magic')[You're not a priest, so you can't truly heal him with spells. Lucky for you, you've got a potion that heals him right up.
Thankful, Phoenix passes you an *blue-bladed dagger* with a fanciful filigree handle as payment for your assistance. (set: $dagger to 'true')]
(if: $item is 'money')[You flip him a coin. He doesn't manage to catch it.
He raises an eyebrow as you awkwardly back awy.]
[[Go elsewhere|backtotown1]] You walk from morning until about noon. The Thieves Guild is located in Burbach, a day or two to the south.
You'll have to pass through the elven town of <a data-passage="" class="tooltip"><span style="text-align: left; font-style: italic;"> Celdire elves have fallen on hard times. They're known to blame magic-users (and sorceresses especially). They're resistant to magic but are quite wary - and sometimes fearful - of mages. In years past, one of their cities disappeared in a puff of mysterious rubbery ichor, and a female elven wizard was blamed.</span>Celdire</a>; elves do not like unannounced intruders.
Before that, though, you need to traverse either Gluttrax Forest or take the Peddler's Road.
You could brave the dangers of the woods and go through [[Gluttrax Forest]].
You could also risk being seen by lawbringers and take the [[Peddler's Road]].
(if: $cube is 'true')[You realize that the mysterious crystal you bought from the merchant in Bilbridge has melted away to water.]
You chew on some *eversekan honeycomb*, an elven trail-food.
It's getting dark.
[[Leave town|avoidtown]]
[[Visit the hostel|hospice]]You enjoy a restful night's sleep, interspersed with dreams of distressed damsels and imperiled princes.
In the morning, you feel like there are eyes on you - like there's someone tracking your movements. You resolve to pick up the pace.
[[Later|Aftertown]] It's getting dark. Time to find a place to rest for the evening.
[[Leave town|avoidtown]]
[[Visit the hostel|hospice]]
[[Go to the tavern|tavern and inn]]The forest teems with life. Noisome flora and skittering fauna dart through the canopy.
You come to a dangerous-looking ravine that cuts the forest in twain. There's a fallen tree - big, old, and sturdy - that covers the gap, but it seems to be covered in spooky-looking flowers with wide purple-black petals.
Alternatively, you could take the *long* way and go around the ravine.
[[Cross the log|blacklotustrapped]]
[[Take the long way|deeperintovorest]]You walk briskly along the road until it becomes noontime. Along the side of the road you spot - to your surprise - a cozy-looking cottage, decorated with symbols of the *Unseen School*. You can't resist [[checking it out]].(if: $hasnoseplugs is 'true')[You remember that these lotuses are dangerous and poisonous little plants. You plug your nose and cover your mouth with the bandanas.
It's a rather kinky thing. The way that it fills your mouth and nose - keeping you breathing through magical means while still cutting off your air - makes you tingle. The way that your nose and mouth are so fully and thoroughly *filled* has a certain charm.
You cross over the log without incident and remove the magical gear for later.
[[Deeper still...]]]
(else:)[You hop on the log, but immediately feel woozy. While you manage to cross it, you realize too late that those black plants were poisonous lotuses - or is it lotii? Either way, your hazy thoughts spin out as you fall unconscious.
[[Ooops.]]]You spend quite some time wandering until you finally find a good path forward. By now it's late afternoon, and you're tired.
Just as you're ready for a break, you spy a strange [[clearing up ahead|A clearing...]].You feel like you're being followed by hundreds of tiny eyes. There's evidence of human habitation here; ruined campsites, busted pieces of wood, discarded crates. It's never a good sign when you don't see any people, though...
[[Move quick]]
[[Move carefully]]You pass in and out of sleep. When you awake, you're in a [[familiar situation.|boundybykathana]]Your captor isn't quite as devilishly kinky as you are. Still, she knows that a ninja can be dangerous.
(if: $hasnoseplugs is 'true')[She's packed your mouth and nose *very* tight with those noseplugs, and lashed the gag around your mouth quite a few times. You've got a smooth sheet of cloth where your mouth would be. It makes it quite difficult to say anything.](else)[You've been nicely gagged with a leather strap. The bit-gag allows plenty of drool from your mouth.]
Your wrists are tied rather simply behind your back, and the same goes for your legs. If you weren't actively being watched, why, you could escape from this in no time.
But, unfortunately, you're being watched very closely.
"My name is Kathana. I'm an ace tracker," says the woman. She's got fair skin and dark hair that goes nearly to her waist. She's busy tucking it under a sun-hat when you come to.
"You should feel lucky I found you when I did. Black lotus spores are no joke."
[[Kathana glares.]]You pick up the pace. As you run, it becomes increasingly clear that someone - or something - is running behind you.
[[A clearing...]]You continue to walk through the forest, making sure every step is on stable ground.
There are sounds everywhere. You're definitely being followed.
[[A clearing...]]There's a fire pit here, unfinished and half-built. A pack of supplies lies on the ground.
[[Stay and relax]]
[[Start running]]You take a seat and begin rummaging through the pack. The unfinished fire-pit will make for a nice place to spend the afternoon.
You're too busy looking through the tasty honey-baked treats in the pack to realize that the owner comes up behind you.
[[Darn it.|grabbedbyk]]You run, and you run fast. You've got to get away as soon as you can.
You run so fast you don't see the trip-wire until you've already triggered it, and you're hanging helplessly from some treetop.
[[Whoops.|grabbedbyk]]Your captor isn't quite as devilishly kinky as you are. Still, she knows that a ninja can be dangerous.
(if: $hasnoseplugs is 'true')[She's packed your mouth and nose *very* tight with those noseplugs, and lashed the gag around your mouth quite a few times. You've got a smooth sheet of cloth where your mouth would be. It makes it quite difficult to say anything.](else)[You've been nicely gagged with a leather strap. The bit-gag allows plenty of drool from your mouth.]
Your wrists are tied rather simply behind your back, and the same goes for your legs. If you weren't actively being watched, why, you could escape from this in no time.
But, unfortunately, you're being watched very closely.
"My name is Kathana. I'm an ace tracker," says the woman. She's got fair skin and dark hair that goes nearly to her waist. She's busy tucking it under a sun-hat when you come to. "I've had your scent for quite a while, Fantom."
[[Kathana glares.]]You glare back.
"This clearing is practically surrounded by traps and rather hungry plants. I'm surprised you made it as far as you did without getting nabbed." She lets out a long and hearty laugh and reaches for a black leather body-sack.
"I know you won't be good, so I'm going to have to throw you in here for the trip back. It might get a bit stuffy and tight, though."
You could be out of these ropes in a few seconds. But that piercing glare and frown tell you otherwise.
There's [[something in the trees]]...There's a tree moving towards you, exiting the treeline. It's strangely quiet and disguised by the endless noise from the plant an animal life surrounding you. Its thick truck is capped by a crown of wide leaves, whipping vines, mushrooms, and a ravenous purple maw. You recognize this as a *tendriculos*, a living plant that's always looking for humans - their heat and warmth is particularly delicious for them.
You're gagged, though; you can't simply tell Kathana about it.
[[Buck and try to run]]
[[Try to distract her]]
[[Let her work]]You manage to get your restraints off, but not before Kathana catches on to you. She gives chase as you remove your ropes and run!
Kathana is hot on your heels. She starts throwing daggers and bolas at you, forcing you to dip, duck, dodge, and dive out of the way.
One such dodge leads you to something sticky - something which explodes in a cloud of spores and shiny sap a few seconds later. You have time to catch a glint of malice in her eye before being covered in ebony, rubbery sap.
<img src="pods.png">
[[Podded up]]
The best is halfway to her.
Kathana raises an eyebrow.
"What do you want?"
[[Get up and run]]
[[Try to warn her about the plant]]
[[Distract her further]]"All right. Try not to squirm while I get you in your sack. I'd hate to need *more* layers to keep you still."
[[Make a break for it|Buck and try to run]]
[[Try to distract her]]
[[Accept Kathana's dominance]](font: 'Skranji')[E03]
You bow your head. She's a consummate professional. Getting into a snug leather sack like this would take minutes. She gets you in in a few seconds.
She's halfway done with the straps when you remember the tree. She finally hears it - too late. Poor Kathana gets grabbed by the tentacles and sprayed with shiny, sticky sap before being swallowed whole. You can see her squirming inside the *tendriculos* belly; alive but trapped in a tight, warm, and rather inescapable embrace... just like you.
You join her shortly thereafter; vines grab you, hug you crushingly tight, and slip you inside the warm and gooey belly of the beast...
(align: "=><==")[
]You manage to get your restraints off, but not before Kathana catches on to you. She gives chase as you remove your ropes and run!
Kathana is hot on your heels. She starts throwing daggers and bolas at you, forcing you to dip, duck, dodge, and dive out of the way.
One such dodge leads you to something sticky - something which explodes in a cloud of spores and shiny sap a few seconds later. You have time to catch a glint of malice in her eye before being covered in ebony, rubbery sap.
<img src="pods.png">
[[Podded up]]You groan and grunt into your gag.
"Nice try. I won't be ungagging you. I know how dangerous sorceresses can be."
[[Distract her further]]
[[Point behind her]]You hop on your chest, shaking your rear like a village idiot.
"I'm not even impressed," says Kathana. "In fact, that's downright unprofessional. Allow me to explain to you the legal ramifications of *presenting* to a bounty hunter. First..."
A loud and slimy **schlorp** sounds tells you that it's [[time to run]].(font: 'Skranji')[E03]
Kathana spots the *tendriculos* just in time! With a flash of steel, the best is injured and slinks back off into the forest.
She turns behind you, wiping the sap from her blade.
"Thank you kindly, Fantom. Unfortunately, I'm not the sentimental sort."
You buck and squirm as she slips you into a hot leather sack and begins strapping you tight. Your whole body is being squeezed like a vice!
"I promise to let the judge know of your good deed. I'm sure it'll make up for the dozens and dozens of kidnappings, right?"
She slips a padlock over the sack's collar. You know that this is [[GAME OVER]] ...You sprint away, managing to cut your bonds just in time for the plant-beast to finish swallowing its prey. Poor Kathana will be kept alive and squirming for quite a long time! Her sun-hat lies on the ground.
In a flash, you grab your own pack and start running, turning to blow her a kiss before disappearing into the forest.
[[Past the forest...]]You leave Gluttrax Forest in peace. You're about to pass through elven territory; the Celdire tribe are quite particular about visitors.
Regardless of your approach, you know you need to head to the [[CHAPTER 5]].(font: 'Skranji')[E04]
Although safe and sound, you're also completely trapped. The gooey goodness is filling every nook, cranny, and crevasse. It's only a matter of time before you find yourself coated inside and out.
It gives Kathana just long enough to gloat.
"*Resisting arrest? Almost getting me eaten? I don't know about you, Fantom, but that sounds like a capital crime to me. I'm afraid you're simply too dangerous to turn in for the reward.*"
She tucks her long hair back under her hat. "When I get back to town, maybe I'll tell them where to find you...
(align: "=><==")[
]This is an open field west of a white house, with a boarded front door.
There is a small mailbox here.
A rubber mat saying 'Welcome to Zanthie's Home!' lies by the door.
[[Knock on the door]]
[[Try the handle]]You knock twice, and the door opens.
A familiar face greets you. Purple hair with matching lipstick, a sinister smile, and a getup quite similar to yours - it's nobody else but **Zanthie**, your friend and rival.
<img src="zanthie.jpg">
"Fantom!" she says with a grin. "Do come in. I've summoned this little hut for a few days during my travels. It's quite serendipitous that you found me on this stretch of road."
"[[Indeed it is]]."The door opens. A woman is sitting at the table. She stands up to greet you.
A familiar face greets you. Purple hair with matching lipstick, a sinister smile, and a getup quite similar to yours - it's nobody else but **Zanthie**, your friend and rival.
<img src="zanthie.jpg">
"Fantom!" she says with a grin. "Do come in. I've summoned this little hut for a few days during my travels. It's quite serendipitous that you found me on this stretch of road."
"[[Indeed it is]].""Please, take a seat." She motions towards the table and you join her.
The house is cozy and functional. The tables look and feel like real wood, but they - like everything within - seem to be magically summoned.
"So, Fantom. I'm currently traveling to the south; I hear there's some spicy food and spicier people for me to sample. What about you?"
"[[I go where I please]]."
"[[I'm looking for a new lair]]."Zanthie frowns.
"No need for such secrecy. We've worked on capers before, you trust me, don't you?"
Zanthie stands up. "I've got some herbal remedies we can share; sweetened cacao powder in hot water. I stole it from a merchant."
She heads to the kitchenette. You can hear the sound of glasses 'tinging' and liquid being poured. She returns shortly after.
[[Next|zannext]]Zanthie grins.
"Very exciting. Well, I've heard stories about a dragoness who's getting a bit long in the tooth. I wonder if she's got an opening? You ever tame a dragon?" she says with a smirk.
Zanthie stands up. "I've got some herbal remedies we can share; sweetened cacao powder in hot water. I stole it from a merchant."
She heads to the kitchenette. You can hear the sound of glasses 'tinging' and liquid being poured. She returns shortly after.
[[Next|zannext]]Just as Zanthie is about to put the cup of hot cocoa to her lips, she snaps her fingers.
"Oh! Oh, one moment. There's a treat I've heard - a recipe where you put these sugary, fluffy things inside the cocoa. One moment."
She stands up and walks to the pantry, humming to herself as she looks through her goods.
[[Switch the cups]]
[[Look around the room]]You switch the cups when she's busy.
When she returns, she takes a seat and sprinkles a few marshmallows into your cup and hers.
"You must forgive me for forcing this on you, but I tried this just yesterday and I'm hooked. For you, an old friend... well, I thought you deserved nothing but the best."
You grin and return the good cheer.
[[Drink up|drink1]]She has a few clay effigies. Probaly useful in golem creation. You pocket one for later. (set: $clay to 'true')
When she returns, she takes a seat and sprinkles a few marshmallows into your cup and hers.
"You must forgive me for forcing this on you, but I tried this just yesterday and I'm hooked. For you, an old friend... well, I thought you deserved nothing but the best."
You grin and return the good cheer.
[[Drink up|drink2]]The cocoa is nice and warm. It's very tasty.
Almost as tasty as the look on Zanthie's face. The sorceress is completely paralyzed.
You grab her cocoa and finish it off.
"Sorry," you explain. "I'm not a fool. I know a miser like you would only dose one cup, and that you'd dose your own assuming that I'd switch them. Oh, I could go on and on and on about the wisdom of my choice, but I'd just be boring you.
I wonder - were you thinking you'd built up an immunity to whatever poison you provided? Clearly, it didn't work."
Zanthie makes a mewling sound. Her eyes flit across the room.
[[What to do with her...]]Zanthie smiles.
It's a wide smile; a toothy smile. It's got a hint of cruelty to it that you really only see in a true villainess. It's the kind of grin that dark sorcerers give their victims or kings give their serfs.
"What do you think, Fantom?"
[["..."|paralyzed]](font: 'Skranji')[E05]
You can't move. Zanthie stands up from her chair.
She moves like a cat; sultry, methodical, and measured. She's leaning on the table, with her chin resting on her hands. That smile looks at you as you quiver, practically paralyzed.
"Too much sugar? Or was it the nerveblast poison that's leaving you weak and helpless?"
You manage to make a cute mewling sound as she gets closer. The feline femme fatale takes a seat on your lap and holds you tight. She practically smothers your face in her fishnet-clad chest. She's warm, soft, and eager.
"[[Tch tch. Poor Fantom.]]"You could [[hide her away]]. Cruel, devlish, mean, but it would be a nice way of keeping her bound until later. You could come back later on and grab her once you've got a lair.
Or, you could [[leave her]]. No need to tie her up completely; just enough to giver her something to remember you by. She might repay the favor.Of course you can't simply let her stay free. You take her to the closet and get to work.
"If I know my magic - and I **do**," you say, "then this is an instance of the spell *Leoric's Tiny Hut* with a few accoutrements."
Zanthie says nothing with her mouth, but her eyes make it clear that you're right.
"Then this should last... hm... at least another week. Another week of a comfy, summoned hovel for you to sit in. Another week where time doesn't pass. Another week where you'll be just fine and dandy here, waiting for me."
"Nng." She gulps out a gasp. You grin and begin thumbing throug her gear.
An hour or so later, she's bound and geared up in a way that only a sorceress would be. A fat and multilayered gag (to keep her from speaking any spells) that ends with a wide panel over her lips. A nice blindfold to make sure she doesn't use her pretty eyes. A pair of earplugs to keep her from trying to listen in on any visitors.
You bind her quite nicely with long strips of bandages, tough hemp rope, and lengths of chain. It makes for a nice look; total bondage overkill. Only the best for a mage like yourself!
"I wonder what happens if I don't come back before the spell expirse?" you wonder aloud. "Does it disappear, leaving you bound and vulnerable for one of the many trade caravans, or do you disappear into the astral plane to be bound for good?"
You kiss her on her gag before helping yourself to some provisions. She struggles and squirms, pleading and angry as you leave. Villains make such nice hosts.
[[Past the road]]You bind Zanthie's wrists behind her chair. It's nothing too complicated; once the drugs wear off, she'll be able to escape in a few seconds.
In part, it's fun to tie her up. It's quite enjoyable to hear her grunts and squeaks as you restrain her wrists. The dark-haired sorceress is so cute when she's mad.
You help yourself to some provisions from her kitchenette before heading on your way, finishing off her cocoa and leaving her with a sweet kiss.
It's always nice to see old friends.
[[Past the road]]You skip away, leaving Zanthie's hut behind.
You're about to pass through elven territory; the Celdire tribe are quite particular about visitors. You'll need to make your presence known at the [[elven village|CHAPTER 5]].##(font: 'Skranji')[**CHAPTER FIVE**]
You're approaching the [[elven village.]]
You can see the village from quite a distance away. It's hidden in a copse of trees which is itself along a stream and the lowlands. The houses are sturdy wood and clay, often built with exotic filigree patterns and with green trim. Those that aren't in harmonious matching with the trees are quite large and stand out. You approach quickly and stand before the elven village. Women and men are loitering, cleaning, cooking, and moving goods to and fro. The normal things you'd see in a small village.
With an earnest and proud voice, you explain how pleased you are to be here. You tell them that, despite your magical nature, you mean them no harm.
[[They attack.]]You explain to the loitering elves that you're a figure of authority, searching for a dangerous ninja named Cynthia. If you don't get where you're going, then their village will be considered enemies of the King.
They narrow their eyes and take you to Naomi, their leader. She has eyes the color of the sea and hair the color of the sun. She is also the bustiest woman you have ever seen. Her elven garb is practically bursting at the seams; her buxom chest is ready to pop the buttons with every breath!
[[You explain your situation|lietoelves]].Your magicks fall flat. The elves are masters of the arcane, and they have no trouble defeating you. They bind you and drag you away for some [[sinister purpose]].The elves are busy going to and fro; a hundred or so inhabitants. You march right up to an elf with a spear and a helmet, and make it clear that you're here to offer them a sum of money for safe passage to the town of Burbach.
They seem copasetic to this, although they demand that you [[meet with their leader first.|challenge1]]The elves charge! You're outnumbered ten to one, but these are a simple people. If you can knock out a few of them, the rest should be cowed.
A pair of elven fighters draw long staves, flailing them with the expert prowess of a monk. They charge at you!
[[Aggressive|aggerei]]You deflect their attack with ease. They stumble backwards. Too much flourish, not enough power.
The elves prepare to counter-attack. They look ready for a light jab or two, but they're off-balance from their fancy footwork.
[[Aggresive|beatelves]]You try to parry their blows away, but they manage a few good hits on you before they fall back.
The elves prepare to counter-attack. They look ready for a light jab or two, but they're off-balance from their fancy footwork.
[[Aggresive|beatelves]]You attempt to strike a great blow at them, but they're quicker than you are - and they dodge away from your clumsy attack.
The elves prepare to counter-attack. They look ready for a light jab or two, but they're off-balance from their fancy footwork.
[[Aggresive|beatelves]]*Oof*. You defend, and when they realize you're on the defensive they outflank and defeat you.
The two elven monks manage to knock you unconscious. You fall backwards and land in a poor elven mother's flowerbed. You can hear her shouting as things go black.
[[Later...|elves crosses direct]]*Oof*. You try to parry their blows, but they're waiting for that exact move. They bait you into a light attack and overpower you.
The two elven monks manage to knock you unconscious. You fall backwards and land in a poor elven mother's flowerbed. You can hear her shouting as things go black.
[[Later...|elves crosses direct]]You manage to knock both wardancers unconscious; they're too busy preparing for your agility that they're not ready for a strong spinning kick to the face! Kunoichi are trained in more than just seduction and magic, after all.
[[The village is cowed.]]Defeated, the elves bind you and bring you to some strange place, deep in the forest. The bind you tight with rope and bring you to an unusal clearing for some [[sinister purpose]] ...The evening sun is high in the sky as you enter the great hall. The elves have taken you to their leader, Naomi. She has eyes the color of the sea and hair the color of the sun. She is also the bustiest woman you have ever seen. Her elven garb is practically bursting at the seams; her buxom chest is ready to pop the buttons with every breath!
"I am Naomi, leader of the Celdire elves. We are a noble people. We have no need of sorceresses and interlopers; we already have to deal with bandits, hunters, and even dragons! What do you want from us?"
You grin, and say that you want...
[[some magical goods]]
[[transport to Burbach]]
[[elven gold]]
[[to be their leader]]Regretfully, they hand over a treasured object; <a data-passage="" class="tooltip"><span style="text-align: left; font-style: italic;">It appears to be nothing more than a wood and papyrus or cloth instrument with which to create a cooling breeze. </span>fan</a>.
Naomi huffs. "It's a *wind fan*. Speak the word *aeroga* and you can let loose a powerful blast of wind."
You raise an eyebrow. "This is it? I thought you'd have a bunch of enchanted swords or robes. At *least* an ensorcelled princess."
Naomi shrugs and the elves begin to escort you out. "Come back when you're a higher level."
[[Past the elven forest]]"That can be arranged," says Naomi.
The elves escort you out of the hall in a hurry. You can tell that their leader is relieved not to have handed over more to an intruder.
The guards are jovial as they escort you through the forest. The tell tales of a mysterious plague of shining ichor that decimated one of their cities; of a strange plague-bearer who was so vain that he shattered all the mirrors before encasing their citizens in glossy prisons.
[[Past the elven forest]] Naomi removes her jewlery and has it handed over.
"We're not a wealthy village. This is all we can spare."
A trio of guards escort you through the forest. Your pack jingles all the way with your new found riches.
[[Past the elven forest]]...
(set: $item2 to 'money')You are **Cynthia Heart**.
<img src="just cyn2.png" alt="It's Cynthia Heart!" width="435" height="1084">
Cynthia is a ninja; a young woman trained in the arts of magic and stealth. She comes from **The Unseen School**, a mysterious institution that trains elite ninja.
For weeks, you have been searching for the elusive **Fantom**. Fantom is the most dangerous ninja of all - one who has gone rogue! She serves no master, and now operates of her own accord.
In your inventory, you have a **dagger**, a **vial of magical oil**, and a lot of moxie.
[[Where is she?]](font: 'Open Sans')[In order to continue from a later point in the game, you need to choose if Fantom grabbed (link: "magical power")[(set: $item to 'magic')(goto: "CHAPTER 4")] or (link: "money and wealth")[(set: $item to 'money')(goto: "CHAPTER 4")].]
How will you approach the tribe?
You could be open and direct, using [[diplomacy and charm]].
(if: $item is 'magic')[You could [[cast a few spells]] to get their attention.](else:)[~~Use magic~~]
(if: $item is 'money')[You could [[make an offering]] of gold to get on their good side.](else:)[~~Offer them gold~~]
You could be boastful and haughty, using [[guile and duplicity]].
(if: $clay is 'true')[[[You could use your golem charm|golemcharm]].](else:)[~~Use your clay charm~~](font: 'Open Sans')[In order to continue from a later point in the game, you need to choose if Fantom grabbed (link: "magical power")[(set: $item to 'magic')(goto: "CHAPTER 5")] or (link: "money and wealth")[(set: $item to 'money')(goto: "CHAPTER 5")].]"Oh, Fantom. Poor Fantom. We do this to each other, don't we? It's just what friends do. This time, though, I don't think I need a partner. I'm not even sure if I need you as a trophy.
You make a mewling sound. She chuckles, knowing that you're so helpless.
"Should I string you up? Tied to a tree and waiting for a caravan to come by? Oh, oh, maybe I should have you completely full and gagged. A gag-slut like you would just *love* that - no need to tell me. Your mouth filled, ears plugged, eyes squeezed tight and face heavily padded...
Especially if we put a sign telling everyone how much you love it, and how you've been very naughty."
You try to shake your head 'no'. She leans in, wiping sweat away from your brow. Her musk is unmistakeable. She licks your wordless lips. Your whole body tingles.
"Don't worry," says Zanthie. "Nothing of the sort will happen. I'm going to keep you, Fan. I'm going to have you as my naughty little pillow and pet. You're going to be trained until you forget you ever had a mistress other than Zanthie.
[[She takes a seat in your lap.]]
Zanthie is a comfortable weight. She grinds ever-so-slightly against your thighs.
"That's if you're **lucky**. If you're not lucky, then I've got just the place for you. I've got a friend at the Thieves Guild who owes me one."
"I've had the fantasy of doing away with you for good. Bound and gagged and trapped in a nice little alcove - alive and kept in perfect condition. My friends will make sure you've got all the toys and magical charms a girl could possibly need. Once you're equipped, I'll have them brick up your little oubliette and hide any trace that you were ever there. You'll be a pale-skinned ghost in the walls - moaning and groaning and rattling your chains at night."
She licks your lips. You feel your cheeks turn red.
"If you're too loud - if there's any chance of you being found - I'll have them fill in your little alcove with sand. You know, make sure there's no chance of you being rescued...
But don't fret. All of that is only *if* you're unlucky. Are you read to find out?"
Zanthie grabs your headband and pulls it down over your eyes. Her lips meet yours in a passionate kiss as she begins to laugh. She stands up and allows you to fall to the floor, unconscious, as she plots her next move.
Your luck has run out.
<img src="fan-ground-zan.jpg">
(align: "=><==")[
]Cynthia approached her friend and took a knee.
"On the one hand, I know that I need to bring you in."
Fantom nodded soberly.
"On the other, I also know that I can't really beat you. I'm simply not meant to."
Fantom started to smile. She had a somewhat matronly grin; the kind that made Cynthia feel safe and secure.
She also had more than enough equipment to make *certain* that Cynthia was extremely secure. A wide panel gag would keep her quiet and hide her blush. Fantom made certain that she felt secure with a permanent self-hug. And of course, a nice mix of ropes, chains, and straps ensure she couldn't have any second thoughts...
<img src="willing.jpg">]
[[GAME OVER|fakeover]] <img src="35k038l.jpg">
Cynthia was utterly and completely defeated. She should have known better than to use her brawn to defeat Fantom. After having gotten so far, it was foolish of her to fall victim to an illusion. With her mind occupied, Fantom had no trouble at all with capturing and permanently packing up her friend.
[[GAME OVER|fakeover]]You throw the golem charm into the center of town.
The ground (text-style: "rumble")[begins to shake] as the tiny figurine becomes a massive arcane construct!
(text-style: "expand")[####"*Yes, mistress?*"]
Its eyes glow, suffused with a magical energy.
The elves are too few to destroy it, and they surrender [[without a fight.]]Cowed, they bring you [[to their leader|The village is cowed.]]The elves have taken you to their leader, Naomi. She has eyes the color of the sea and hair the color of the sun. She is also the bustiest woman you have ever seen. Her elven garb is practically bursting at the seams; her buxom chest is ready to pop the buttons with every breath!
"I am Naomi, leader of the Celdire elves. Our village is willing to accept your offering... but you are a sorceress. I simply can't let you pass freely.
[[The challenge]]The elves show you three goblets filled with a golden liquid, all in a row. They are completely identical.
Naomi grins and points to the one on the far right. She taps it once with her fingernail; it makes a pleasant ringing sound.
"Poison from the storerooms of Queen Syrielle. Nobody makes a poison like our cousins. Odorless, tasteless, quite dangerous to the one that drinks it."
[[The elves blindfold you.]]They take their time, shuffling the goblets around. You're a clever ninja, though, and you know that they move the *poisoned* goblet from its position on the right exactly *seven times* - and they only move it one 'space' at time.
When finished, they remove the blindfold and offer you your choice of drink.
[[Left goblet]]
[[Middle goblet]]
[[Right goblet]]Naomi downs the other two. You raise an eyebrow.
"Elves are immune," she says, "And I need a stiff drink."
You swish the left goblet before sipping it. It's some of the dryest wine you've ever tasted, but it's not bad.
Naomi leans on the table, letting her generous bust rest on its wooden surface. Her eyes, shadowed with blue makeup, stare deeply.
"You want passsage through our forest? Fine. You're either lucky or smart, and either way, I'd rather you be gone as soon as possible."
You take your time finishing your drink before leaving. The elves escort you briskly out of the woods.
[[Past the elven forest]]...You chose...
(text-style: "blurrier")[
]Naomi downs the other two. You raise an eyebrow.
"Elves are immune," she says, "And I need a stiff drink."
You swish the right goblet before sipping it. It's some of the dryest wine you've ever tasted, but it's not bad.
Naomi leans on the table, letting her generous bust rest on its wooden surface. Her eyes, shadowed with blue makeup, stare deeply.
"You want passsage through our forest? Fine. You're either lucky or smart, and either way, I'd rather you be gone as soon as possible."
You take your time finishing your drink before leaving. The elves escort you briskly out of the woods.
[[Past the elven forest]]...Unconscious from the poison, the elves bind you and bring you to some strange place, deep in the forest. The bind you tight with rope and bring you to an unusal clearing for some [[sinister purpose]] ...The large town of **Burbach** awaits. Though portions of it are walled, the guards allow you in without a hitch.
(if: $item is 'magic')[After all, who could resist your charm - or magical charms?](if: $item is 'money')[After all, who can resist a few pieces of silver to look the other way?]
<img src="burbach.jpg">
You make your way to the [[Thieves Guild.]]"All right," she says with one eyebrow raised.
"I have a *very* tight schedule, and *very* specific travel plans. I simply must have your escort through the forest," you reply.
Naomi taps her mouth with her fingers. "What *are* those travel plans, out of curiosity?"
[[From Burbach to Bilbridge|faketown]]
[[From Bilbridge to Burbank|faketown]]
[[From Dalaston to Burbach|faketown]]
[[From Bilbridge to Burbach]]
[[From Bondaria to Bilbridge|faketown]]
[[From Alysa to Celdire|faketown]]
[[From Celdire to Burbanque|faketown]]"Oh, of course. Burbach is a rather large town with a few thousand inhabitants. I'm sure you'll find your criminal enterprise there."
Naomi slumps back in her throne and waves to the others to escort you to the border.
The guards are jovial as they escort you through the forest. The tell tales of a mysterious plague of shining ichor that decimated one of their cities; of a strange plague-bearer who was so vain that he shattered all the mirrors before encasing their citizens in glossy prisons.
[[Past the elven forest]] She rolls her eyes. "You don't have a clue of where you're going, do you?"
The elves surround you. "I'd bet my title that *you* are the real criminal. Guards! Apprehend this felon!"
[[The overwhelm you.|grabbedbyelfs]]They didn't believe you for a moment.
The elves ovwerpower and bind you and bring you to some strange place, deep in the forest. The bind you tight with rope and bring you to an unusal clearing for some [[sinister purpose]] ...Burbach is home to a small community of Dwarves. They are responsible for constructing many of the halls and homes beneath Burbach's surface - harnessing an underground river for the community's benefit.
They don't bother you, and you don't bother them. You head directly to the guild.
<img src="guild.jpg">
[[Inside the Thieves Guild]]The front of the guild is disguised as a completely legitimate tavern.
There are several familiar faces; <a data-passage="" class="tooltip"><span style="text-align: left; font-style: italic;">A dark-haired thief, known for her unique blessing - she can never stay tied up or restrained. You could swear she was in your castle's trophy room...</span>Calial</a>, <a data-passage="" class="tooltip"><span style="text-align: left; font-style: italic;">Elissa, a short thief with bright skin and hair; known for her stealth and daring.</span>Elissa</a>, and <a data-passage="" class="tooltip"><span style="text-align: left; font-style: italic;">Agate is the head of The Facade, a guild specializing in stolen goods and brokering information. She's a fearsome figure and commands quite a bit of respect.</span>Agate Carre</a>. Each of them is loitering around a table and discussing something as you walk in.
[[Play it snarky]]
[[Play it nice]]
"What's wrong? Afraid I'll overhear your plan to steal some sweets from a baby?" you say with a chuckle.
Calial rolls her eyes. Agate stands up and heads to the backroom.
Lissa grins. "Fantom. Nice to see you again. You know, you're not entirely welcome here. Your dues are long, long, *long* past due. In fact, I'm under the impression that you went entirely independent."
"[[Not so!]]"
"[[So what if I did?]]""It's a pleasure to see you again."
Agate politely excuses herself and heads to the backroom. Lissa finishes a drink.
"Fantom! Good to see you again. You did some pretty evil things to me back there. Sad I couldn't stay longer," Calial says with a grin.
"[[I'm sad as well. We could have gotten so much tighter.]]"
"[[You were in my lair? Sorry, easy to get mixed up]]..."
"Well, you most definitely did. And you know that operating outside the guild can cause problems. Dealing in ransom is something a cut above burglary, you know, and ransomed royalty? You're bringing heat on the lot of us."
Elissa and Calial look at each other. "What do you want here?"
"[[I'm looking for a new lair.]]"
Elissa raises an eyebrow.
"If you did, then you'd be breaking the whole point of the Thieves Guild. You operate within our rules. People don't get hurt. The law doesn't try to crack down. This should be obvious to you. But I'm pretty sure we've heard stories of some rather large kidnappings and ransoms..."
"I'll be out of your hair," you say. "I'm looking for [[a new lair]]."Calial makes a motion with her hand. *You're just teasing me,* she says without speaking.
"What brings you here?"
"[[I'm looking for a new lair.]]"
Lissa laughs. "Hah. Yeah, Calial's easy to mix up once she's all nice and bound. Sometime we'll have to work together." The thief is only a bit younger than you, but she is profoundly energetic.
"Sure," you say. "We can split it..."
"[[50-50]]""I think that could be arranged," explains Elissa. "Head to the back room. I think Agate knows of some safehouses we could part with."
[[Back room]] Lissa grins. "Seems fair."
You get to business.
"[[I'm looking for a new lair.]]"
Both Elissa and Calial laugh. "Yeah, right," they say. "Maybe 50-50 for us, and you get to walk away free."
"[[I'm looking for a new lair.]]"
"What's wrong with a brothel?" asks Calial. "You can get paid to be gagged there."
Elissa chuckles too. "Head to the back room. I think Agate knows of some safehouses we could part with."
[[Back room]]"You're going to be our sacrifice, intruder," says one of the elves. "Every season, the elder dragon **Daar-rar** arrives and expects to be rewarded. She always demands pretty little things. We've run dry on gold, but luckily, she also has a certain affection for attractive men and women like yourself."
[[They drag you to the center of the clearing.]]<a data-passage="" class="tooltip"><span style="text-align: left; font-style: italic;">Agate is the head of The Facade, a guild specializing in stolen goods and brokering information. She's a fearsome figure and commands quite a bit of respect.</span>Agate Carre</a> sits at a desk. Numerous smaller doors lead out of the back-room. Clearly, this is far more than a tavern in the Dwarven neighborhood. The fact that all the doors say "storage" does little to downplay the mystique of the guild hall.
She spends a moment going over a few scribbled scrolls and paper parchments. Agate [[looks at you]].Five large pillars just from the ground. They're preparing to strictly lash you to them when a tremendous *roar* splits the air. You just need to get your arms and legs free!
You have |amount>[$counter] seconds left!
(live: 1s)[
(set: $counter to it - 1)
(if: $counter is 0)[(go-to: "timesup")]
(replace: ?amount)[$counter]
(set: $counter to 25)You manage to kick the pole out of the way and make a break for it. You run headlong [[into the woods]], hoping to evade the wyrm's wrath.
This is a sample passage.
this is what the default formatting looks like.
hank you for shopping with us. You ordered "Lasko Stanley 655704 High..." and 1 other item. We’ll send a confirmation when your items ship.
This is
[[touch a butt]]this is cynthia mode. when you play as her in the prologue the font looks like this.
Rossem’s capture had been lightning-quick. Anything less and the elf would have visited a most terrible vengeance upon Phantom. The villain lounged in the morning sun, stretching out on the riverside chair and flexing her extremities.
She certainly wasn’t out here getting a tan; no matter how long she spent in the sun, her ghost-white skin would never blemish or fade. It meant that she could lounge on the riverbanks of the Fourth Kingdom resort for as long as she wished, enjoying the sun and the warm wind washing over her for hours at a time. It was a distinctly human experience - to feel lazy, and to enjoy the sensations of sunshine and lethargy.
Her recent acquisition, on the other hand, was anything but human. She stared out at the landscape from behind a pair of dark sunglasses and a wide sun hat. Eventually she mustered up the energy to flick open a channel to her trusted associates.
[[touch one more butt]]
" If she didn’t know better, she would have said that he was conscious and simply floating for fun. But she did know better, and knew that he vas valuable beyond imagining.
She nodded and returned to the beach. He’d be appropriately processed and dressed as per her specifications."
This is the forest formatting style. You shut your eyes out of reflex.
It's all you can do. You can't really bear the immense heat of her presence or the gusts from her tremendous wings. The (text-style: 'rumble')[shake] as she hits the earth and clambers toward you makes you squirm, entangling yourself further.
When you open your eyes, she is smaller - much smaller. Her voice is still potent.
####"I am **Daar-Rar**. You seem quite frightened. Perhaps my humanoid form will quell your worries."
You nod slightly. In this form, she's only as large as an elf, with scaly features and smooth skin but a very pleasant dragon-kin countenance. Daar-Rar takes your head in her hands.
####"There. If I wanted to eat you, I could have done so.
"So you're going to let me go?" you ask sheepishly.
The dragon laughs again. Birds fly away at her booming chortle.
####"Of course not. The elves have given you to me as my precious trophy. You're going to be a very pretty part of [[my collection]].(font: 'Skranji')[E06]
Daar-rar clearly finds you to be a valuable addition to her lair. You're unique - spellcasting powers, training in stealth and seduction, and a certain amount of charisma. A sexy, statuesque marble form make you a valuable asset to those with more *basic* desires. Besides, your pale skin contrasts nicely against burnished gold.
She has you strung up at the entrance to her lair. Daar-Rar has you visible to everyone who enters the wyrm's rest. Of course, reaching you will be nearly impossible thanks to brutal minions and evil traps scattered throughout the dungeon - so no adventurers will ever do anything as silly as 'rescuing' you.
Your hair and features are hidden behind a splendid hood crafted from gold and padded with leather. It presses quite tight against your face. It blocks out all sight and sound, leaving only the vibrations when the dragon comes to and fro within her lair.
Swinging like a pendulum, you make a very tasty display indeed. So much so that your squirms motivate Daar-Rar to bring out some of her other *objets d'art*. After all, a beautiful trophy is just one part of a collection. You're not the first sorceress that Daar-Rar takes as tribute, and you'l hardly be the last...
<img src="gold-trophy.jpg">
(align: "=><==")[
]##"I am Daar-Rar! I will not be denied my tribute!"
She has a booming voice that echoes through the treeline. Daar-Rar's tribute will have to wait, however - you manage to wriggle free of your bonds, grab your bag, and make a break for the edge of the forest.
The dragon doesn't give chase, but you've been given a reminder of their power as you move [[past the forest|Past the elven forest]] ."If you're so sharp," says Agate, "why didn't you notice the door closing behind you?"
You whirl around to see Calial and Elissa, and you have just enough time to grunt as they [[jump you|CHAPTER 6]]."All right," says Agate. "I appreciate the honesty. Calial - grab her. Let's see if she's worth re-training."
You whirl around and see Calial.
"Relax, Fantom. If you're the ninja I know, this will be no trouble at all."
She slips a leather sack over your head and pulls it tight! You're being escorted through one of the doors.
"...and if you're not, well, goodbye, Fan!"
[[Later...|CHAPTER 6]] ##(font: 'Skranji')[CHAPTER 6]
<img src="fantied.jpg">
Much, much later, you find yourself in the familiar position of being <a data-passage="" class="tooltip"><span style="text-align: left; font-style: italic;">Endless rope, covering your breasts, ankles, legs, thighs, and more</span>tightly bound</a> and <a data-passage="" class="tooltip"><span style="text-align: left; font-style: italic;">A wadded-up handkerchief, more stuffing, a strip of sticky cloth over your lips, some bandages, and then a padded panel-gag</span>thoroughly gagged</a>.
Calial enters the room.
"Comfy, Fantom?"
[[Mnnngh.|comfy1]]"Good!" she beams. She motions to her other three companions. Elissa, Agate, and a pink-haired ruffian you recognize as **Jaina** enter the room after her.
"All right, Fan. We were thinking of just seeing you get out of your bonds, but the chance to play games is just too hard to resist." Calial beams. "Besides, I myself wanted to see how Elissa tied you. The answer? Quite nicely!"
Agate shrugs. "We figured we'd get your *expert* opinion on something. If we like what we hear, we untie you and let you try to get out of the guild on your own. If you fail, well - I'll figure out what to do with you."
Jaina cracks her knuckles. "Personally," says Jaina, "I'd like to sock you in the chest and turn you in for the bounty. But that's just my vote."
"So," says Elissa, "[[try this out...]]""Last night," Agate starts, "there was a break-in at the Guild Hall. We were trying to figure out what time exactly it happened, since all four of us were here at different times. We took turns guarding over the gold from one of our most recent heists."
"W-wait," says Jaina, "I thought we already knew-"
"Quiet," says Agate. "Anyway. The break-in. The smashing sound happened on my watch, one hour before the last shift started."
Jaina shrugged. "I was only guarding that place for three hours anyway."
Calial pointed at Agate. "You know, Agate was the only one who was here for eight full hours. She was doing the books."
Elissa paced. "Me? I was here from **6** until the next person got here."
Agate nods. "It can be hard to tell time underground. Mind reminding us when the last shift started?"##(font: 'Skranji')[**CHAPTER SIX**]
You stand before *Morley Manor*. It is an imposing sight; tall and surrounded on all sides by a tall fence tipped in dark iron spikes.
The coat of arms of <a data-passage="" class="tooltip"><span style="text-align: left; font-style: italic;">Boundaria is a regional power to the north. Their people are hardy and strong, and are led by the good Princess Irina. They suffer from internal strife after Irina's mother passed away years ago, and since then many claimants to the throne have attempted to topple the monarchy.</span>Boundaria</a> flutters, hanging from the front gate.
The evening sun has just dipped below the horizon. Light begins to drain from the town.
(link: "Look at instructions")[In order to regain your standing in the Thieves Guild, you must break into Morley Manor and steal a fabulous diamond. Security should be light; Princess Irina and her coterie have no listed plans to visit.]
(link: "Relax for a moment")[You feel a bit better.]
[[Proceed towards the manor]]A pair of guards stand inside the front gate. They're armed with pikes, quilted gambesons, and daggers. One of them idly rests his head against a pole while the other busies himself with a rant about dwarves.
[[Wait and listen]]
[[Distract them and run]]
[[Look for a rear entrance]]
[[See if anyone else is around]]The guard spends far too long extolling the virtues of dwarves and disparaging other races. He refers to elves as "dandelion eaters," turning to his companion as if he expects his dozing counterpart to agree.
The sleepy guard nods - the result of his dozing - though the ranting guard takes it as an excuse to continue.
They seem to have noticed you, but haven't commented on your presence. They don't seem terribly reasonable.
[[Tell them a ludicrous lie]]
[[Tell them a plausible lie]]
[[Back off and look for another way in]]
(if: $item2 is 'money')[[[Attempt a bribe|bribery]]
](if: $item is 'money')[[[Attempt a bribe|bribery]]
A few sultry words and a little extra skin should be enough to get their attention, right?
...unfortunately, it is not. They seem too bored or too drunk or too loyal (unlikely) to follow you. Maybe you just don't have the thighs you thought you did...
[[Back off and look for another way in]]There does appear to be another way in. The town seems to have a sewer system that provides fresh water and plumbing to the houses - especially the noble houses.
[[The sewers twist and turn]].You tell the guards that a load of dwarves are sneaking into Morley Manor. You explain that they are short enough to squeeze through a gap in the wall.
Ranty and Sleepy turn their heads. The two of them exchange rough words and a laugh, departing for a jaunt around the walls. Anything to give them something to look at. The exterior guards are distracted.
(if: $item is 'magic')[With the guards gone, you're able to [[unlock the front gates]] with a spell]
Look to the rooftops for [[a way in]]You do a little exploration, and you're able to find that there are several alternate routes.
You could go in via the second storey, using the neighboring buildings to hop over the fence.
Otherwise, you can head into the sewer system to go in from below.
[[Go through the blacksmith]]
[[Go through the bakery]]
[[Go through the sewers]]You claim that you were mugged, and you plead with them to charge out and help apprehend the thief before she can get too far.
Unfortunately, they don't seem very interested in helping a damsel in distress; they ignore you can go on their business.
[[Back off and look for another way in]] They spend a moment deliberating on the offer of cold, hard cash. They decide to accept your generous offer, though they comment that Livia Barlowe won't be happy to find you inside. They escort you to the [[front door|Head inside the manor]] quickly.You unlock the gates with a quick *knock* spell. They swing open and you slip [[inside the courtyard.]]You leave the front gate.
The surrounding houses are locked up tight, and all equally tall. It looks like the house just to the north has a blacksmith on the ground floor, while the house to the south has a bakery.
[[Go through the blacksmith]]
[[Go through the bakery]]A crystal-clear pool lies in the center of the inner gate.
An attractive porch covered by a wide, red-bricked awning lies past the pool.
A carriage-house lies just to the north.
You feel exposed out here.
[[Examine the pool]]
[[Head inside the manor]]
[[Go to the carriage-house]]The pool has a few floating flowers and lilies. Just below them, a few old coins sit - the remnants of wishes, presumably.
You also see a (link: 'metal key at the bottom of the pool.')[metal key and take it. (set: $poolkey to 'true')]
Something scurries inside the carriage-house. You run [[into the manor|Head inside the manor]].The main hall is basic, but lavishly-decorated enough that you could see yourself living here. Clearly, the Boundarian royalty doesn't mind it.
Long, red banners display the royal symbol of Boundaria. You ignore the doors to the kitchen and staff's quarters; you're interested in the treasure. That means it's somewhere on the second floor.
A gilded chandelier in the shape of a crescent hangs from the ceiling.
The north is eerily quiet save for the ticking of an old clock.
To the south, you can smell smoke - the scent of a burning stove. Laughter filters from the south.
[[Take the north stairs up]]
[[Take the south stairs up]]
[[Examine the chandelier]]The carriage-house holds no carriage, and no horse currently sits within. You *do* see a bit, bridle, and harness sized for a human, though...
A squirrel skitters out of the carriage-house.
You find and take a **ring of keys** labeled 'MORLEY MANOR' before creeping [[inside the manor|Head inside the manor]].You're ready to pounce, but the only moving thing in this chamber is an old grandfather clock; the ounly sound is the slow 'tick-tock' of the clock. It makes for a somewhat unnerving environment.
[[The study]](if: $poolkey is 'true')[You unlock the door with the key you found in the pool.]
Before you is a short hallway, leading to a fireplace around which a few women are calmly lounging. They seem to be well-armed and trained.
Rather concerning is the large guard dog at their feet - a
<a data-passage="" class="tooltip"><span style="text-align: left; font-style: italic;">Omnivorous, loyal, intelligent; these dog-like creatures have the head and countenance of an eagle. A mix of griffon and attack dog.</span>gryph-hound</a> which seems to have noticed you!
(if: $food is 'true')[[[Throw some food to distract it|throwfood]]]
(if: $item is 'magic')[[[Cast *calm animal* to distract the hound|castanimal]]]
[[Attempt to back away slowly...]]You can't see it very well, but it doesn't seem to be lit. It might be magical.
(if: $item is 'magic')[You cast a fire spell to light the chandelier. The crescent changes its orientation, pointing south.]
[[Take the north stairs up]]
[[Take the south stairs up]]The blacksmith is closed for the night, but as you move through you grab a **wrench** left on the counter.
[[Upstairs]]You can't resist nibbling a tasty-looking cinnamon roll as you pass through the bakery. You grab an extra one for later. (if: $item is 'money')[You drop a few coins in the tip jar; the roll is rather tasty.]
You're slowed by just a few moments by the baker. She threatens to call her the guards, but you stuff her mouth with a tasty roll and keep it shut with a wide bandana. Maybe two.
With the baker restrained and gagged, you head to the top floor. From there, you take a running leap and end up [[inside Morley Manor|Take the south stairs up]].
(set: $hasroll to 'true')You're delayed only a few moments by a restless blacksmith. You subdue him with ease and run to the top floor before he wakes up.
With a running start, you leap over the fence and onto an exposed balcony. You find yourself in [[Morley Manor|Take the north stairs up]].
(set: $wrench to 'true')Your eyes see the back wall.
<a data-passage="" class="tooltip"><span style="text-align: left; font-style: italic;">Thieves use shadowmarks - magical sigils - to mark certain routes as safe. A circle with an arrow pointing down means 'escape route,' a circle with horizontal lines inside means 'loot,' and a circle in the center of a large triangle means 'danger'.</span>Shadowmarks</a> are emblazoned behind Agate's stern, pretty face.
"I hear you've been looking for a new lair? That the bounty on your head has increased to ten thousand gold pieces?"
"It's possible," you respond. "But it should be at least twelve thousand."
Agate flops the papers on the table. "Fantom, I can't simply *give* you the location of a potential lair. Wizard's towers, abandoned ruins, old forts... these are valuable places! Any place I tell you about is one more place that the Thieves Guild can never again use. You simply draw too much heat."
You frown. "Then give me just one, and I'll cause the guild no more trouble. I'll be far away."
*And out of your league*, you think to yourself.
Agate taps her fingers against her mouth. "Well. Do you think you can still do anything in the way of thieving? Are you still a kunoichi with nerves of steel and eyes like a hawk?"
"[[Yes, absolutely.]]"
"[[No. I'm rusty, but that's why I'm asking for this favor.]]"You're getting a bit disoriented.
[[You continue through the sewers.]]You head through a few twists and turns through old tunnels. Eventually, you come to a three-way intersection...
On the left is a passageway. There's a marking above it; a circle with an arrow pointing down below it.
On the right is a stairwell. It's marked with a circle, but the other markings seem to have been rubbed away.
[[Go left]]
[[Go right]]You head through a few more passageways and eventually find yourself in a cistern. With some careful maneuvering, you open an old storage door and creep into the [[kitchens]]. You're inside the manor.You head up the stairs. They end at a door, seemingly at ground level. You can hear voices directly through it - as if they were just on the other side.
[[Open the door and proceed in]]
[[Head back down]](if: $gloves is 'true')[You put your hand on the door, running your gloved fingers along the handle. As you do so, it becomes quite clear that the room beyond is filled with people - probably guards. It doesn't strike you as a good idea to head in.]
(else:)[The voices seem to go quiet for a moment.]
[[Open the door]]
[[Head back down]]You head back downstairs, to the sewer level.
On the right is a stairwell. It's marked with a circle, but the other markings seem to have been rubbed away.
[[Go left]]
[[Go right]]You're in the kitchens of Morley Manor. Tasty rolls and hard cheese sit on the shelf. You take a bit of reggiano cheese, and grab a roll for later.
There's a woman working here. A very familiar blue-haired woman...
(set: $hasroll to 'true')Sheila is an extremely tall woman with extremely long blue hair. You also recognize her as one of your maids. At least, up until a few days ago.
She puts her meal preparation on hold for the moment, greeting you with an earnest smile.
"Fantom! I didn't think I'd see you again."
(link: "Ask her what she's doing here")[Sheila explains that after the attack on your lair, she got a job working here - taking care of some royal family's summer home.]
(link: "Ask her about the manor")[She doesn't have much to say. To the north is Michelle's study; one of the Princess's bodyguards. She's the only one here of note, and she's not in her study right now. To the south is the guard room, where a few other royal retainers are relaxing with the house's guard dog. She explains that she'd rather not be seen talking to you.]
(link: "Ask her how she's doing")[Sheila explains that she's doing quite well, and hopes that you're doing well too. (link: 'Explain why you are here')[Although she recognizes the need to have a good lair, she's also loyal to her employer. She politely nods and asks you to leave.]]
[[Wish her well and leave the kitchen]]
[[Make sure she doesn't cause trouble]]"Fantom," she says. You turn around.
"I really can't be seen talking to you. You're an old friend, but I'd be expected to signal the guards. I'm afraid that you'll need to make it look like there was a struggle."
[["That can be arranged..."|tiesheila]]You grab her arm and spin her around. She yelps quietly as you [[push her to her knees|tiesheila]]Tying up Sheila is a delight.
You force her against a dining chair, placing her hands on each of the armrests. Very quickly, you lash her wrists quite tightly against the chair. She flexes and wiggles her fingers as you do so.
You repeat the task with her legs. She squirms a bit as she finds her inner thighs rather exposed beneath her dress. You make sure that there's just the perfect amount of bite and pressure against her shapely calves.
"You know," she says, "I'll just yell for help if I'm not gagged."
You nod with a false sobriety. Of *course* Sheila should be gagged. You produce a bright red ballgag and lick it scandalously before slipping it between her lips. She accepts it, and you cover up her now-gagged mouth and lips with a nice, snug bandana.
"Ta-ta," Sheila.
[[You turn and head to the main hall.]]The main hall is basic, but lavishly-decorated enough that you could see yourself living here. Clearly, the Boundarian royalty doesn't mind it.
Long, red banners display the royal symbol of Boundaria. You ignore the doors to the kitchen and staff's quarters; you're interested in the treasure. That means it's somewhere on the second floor.
A gilded chandelier in the shape of a crescent hangs from the ceiling.
To the north, you can hear the sound of a harp being slowly struck.
To the south, you can smell smoke - the scent of a burning stove.
[[Take the north stairs up]]
[[Take the south stairs up]]
[[Examine the chandelier]]You open the door to a trio of women all imbibing wine and grinning. One of them in particular seems pleased to see you.
"And just when we thought it was going to be a *boring night...*"
[[They set on you with lightning speed.]](font: 'Skranji')[E07]
Much, much later, you find yourself in the familiar position of being <a data-passage="" class="tooltip"><span style="text-align: left; font-style: italic;">Endless rope, covering your breasts, ankles, legs, thighs, and more</span>tightly bound</a> and <a data-passage="" class="tooltip"><span style="text-align: left; font-style: italic;">A wadded-up handkerchief, more stuffing, a strip of sticky cloth over your lips, some bandages, and then a padded panel-gag</span>thoroughly gagged</a>.
<img src="fantied.jpg">
[[You're in deep trouble.]]A woman of middle age and a stunning physique stands before you. She wears a black suit with bare arms and a white fur neck-wrap. A large fleur-de-lis emblazons the center of her suit.
"Nice to meet you, Fantom. I've heard stories about you."
She draws a short fencing saber, and holds it just a hair away from your neck. You blush, grunting into your gag.
"My boss, Livia, is on her way now. We've got a lot of questions for you. Thieves like you need to be *instructed* in the way of the world, and I'm a rather painful teacher."
She draws closer with a self-satisfied smile.
(align: "=><==")[
You whip a roll into a shadowy corner of the room. The hound goes to sniff it.
Although the female guards seem concerned, you quietly close the door and lock it shut tight.
You decide to head to the [[north side instead|Take the north stairs up]].The gryph-hound goes back to sleep, and you manage to close the door.
*Whew*, that was a close one. You back away from the guard room and head across the way.
[[Over to the north side|Take the north stairs up]]The dog begins to bark... and it doesn't stop.
Alerted, the guards yell and send the entire manor on alert.
[[They set on you with lightning speed.]]Rossem's kinky ideA: people tied up and forced to jump along the way or they fall into rising latex bubbles and get grabbed by the dragon It looks like a combination lock. There's a two-digit code you need to enter.
The only clue you have are a few numbers etched into the metal around the lock, as well as the manufacturer - "March Industries".
(text-style: 'smear')[11 12 1 2]
You input...
[[50|wronglock]]The grandfather clock chimes on the half-hour.
With the door open, you head...
[[Inside the vault]] This is the study. A writing-desk, a few old trophies, inkwells and paper... there's not much to it. Large windows, the old clock, a tapestry or two lining the stone; it's cozy.
(text-style: 'fade-in-out')[*Tick-tock*.]
Aside from the way you came in, there is a single door here. It's emblazoned with royal imagery. The door itself is large, metal, and kept in place with a heavy lock.
(if: $keyring is 'true')[You use the keyring from the carriage-house. After a few seconds, you pop [[the door open]].]
(else-if: $wrench is 'true')[A beautiful door doesn't stop a little prying. You use the wrench to remove some bolts and slip [[the door open]].]
(else:)[The door looks [[very locked]].]tied up and hanging from a thing, read in the mirrorYou pull the door, but nothing happens. That must be the wrong code.
[[You reset it and try again.|very locked]]The grandfather clock was the clue; a simple pattern really. You punch in '03' and the door slides open.
[[Inside the vault]]This isn't the permanent residence of the Boundarians; only their 'summer home.' Still, it makes for an attractive display. There are several racks of gold and gems along the walls.
Of course, Agate only wanted you to steal one, and only one, specific gem. You just have to [[remember which one it was...]]You think back to your discussions with Agate, Calial, and Elissa.
*The crystal you want is going to be fourth from the top, second from the bottom, third from the right, and third from the left. That's the one we're after. Sort of in the bottom-middle. That one, and no other.*
Okay. So that means you need to find a rack of gems that allows for that very specific combination...
The leftmost rack has **25** gems on it in a 5x5 block.
The middle rack has **20** gems on it in a 5x4 block.
Finally, rightmost rack has **8** gems in a 4x2 rectangle.
[[Grab the leftmost rack]]
[[Grab from the middle rack]]
[[Grab from the right rack]]You're quite confident in your choice. You grab the bottom-center gem from the rack of 25.
Getting out of a place like this is always easier than getting in; you can afford for the guards to see you or even to raise alarms. You hop, skip, and jump from balcony to rooftop and into the night.
[[Back at the guild...]]Are you certain?
[[I'm sure]]
[[Check again|remember which one it was...]]Are you certain?
[[I'm sure]]
[[Check again|remember which one it was...]]With the gem in hand, all you need to do is to exit the building.
Getting out of a place like this is always easier than getting in; you can afford for the guards to see you or even to raise alarms. You hop, skip, and jump from balcony to rooftop and into the night.
[[Is the guild pleased?]]With the gem turned in, your debt is paid.
Elissa grins and slaps you on the shoulder. "I never doubted you for a moment," she says.
Calial and Elissa celebrate the guild's success with a few hearty drinks. You're just happy to get a good night's sleep. They're all smiles, and Calial flirts with the idea of tying you up anyway.
Agate presents you with a list of [[possible lairs]] as well....no. No, they are not.
Unfortunately, you grabbed the wrong gem from the wrong display. Agate says nothing. Elissa laughs at your incompetence. Calial?
Well, she's having the time of her life. Your failure indicates that you're simply not worthy of the Thieves Guild's assistance, and they pawn you off on your former captive to do with as she pleases.
At first, you beg her not to turn you over to the authorities. Calial agrees. Their punishment would be [[far too lenient]].(font: 'Skranji')[E08]
Calial smiles. She explains that she's going to give you exactly the same treatment you gave her. Your heart sinks when she explains it.
First, she shows you your hood. It's got an open face on the front, with a rune emblazoned on the forehead. Something to keep you alive and well for however long she wants to keep you.
The thief very carefully slips it over your head. You feel a pair of tiny intruders lining up with your ears; waxy earplugs carefully slotted in place to block all sound, bar what Calial chooses to say to you.
"Your mind is magically linked to mine," she says with a grin. "So I can think as many dirty thoughts as I want at you!"
Next came the corset, laced as tight as she could get it. "You should thank me," she says. "I've never seen a Fantom with such a nice hourglass figure!"
Satisfied, she starts to work you into another, thicker, tighter suit. The snug leather was dyed a vaguely pale flesh-tone, with defined seams a tthe joints.. Almost like those of a mannequin! It even had incredibly strong narrow hinges at the joints to allow the captive to be posed, but unable to move themselves.
For Calial's own benefit, it had larger breasts as well - hiding your chest beneath it all. It makes for a very tight squeeze, and you can feel the suit teasing at your bust. The suit went over your mittened hands as well, with stiff, hard leather surrounding her hand in its tight embrace to keep the fingers and wrist perfectly rigid, to allow for gloves to be placed upon them without the naughty digits doing anything themselves. It simply wouldn't do to let you do anything tactile.
You're outlined in perfect, smooth leather from head to toe. Only your face is uncovered, and Calial soon fixes that with a thick hood. The padding *squeezes* tight against your mouth. It's practically claustrophobic.
Calial introduces you to the thieves guild as a new mannequin. She wastes no time before dressing their leather doll in long opera gloves, stockings, a tight dress, and a strict choker.
It's not long before Calial stops calling you 'Fantom' and simply refers to you as her mannequin.
(align: "=><==")[
...but that is for another time. The enchanted drow temple, the dragon's lair, and the elven ruins are all tempting, but you want to sleep on it first.
For tonight, you rest. You braved forests and elves and a rather uncouth attack on your home. You reclaimed your reputation as a kinky kunoichi, and did it all without so much as a scratch on you.
You feel **profoundly proud** of a job well done.
<img src="fantom.png">
You're ready for a good, long rest. You've got an even longer journey tomorrow.
[[THE END]]##Congratulations!
You've finished Part 1 of **WitchQuest**. Thank you so much for playing!
Very special thanks to <a href="https://k-a-r-y-u.deviantart.com//">Karyu</a> who provided fantastic images and scintillating ideas on this long-overdue project.
Special thanks to <a href="https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Main_Page//">Wikimedia Commons</a> for the public domain images, and finally <a href="https://yashasun.deviantart.com/">Yashasun</a> for Creative Commons imagery, and <a href="https://aria-warden.deviantart.com/">Aria</a> for some writing help.
Make sure to let me know what you think. If you enjoyed your ending, then stay withit... or [[try again|newgamescreen]] from a previous save.(font: 'Open Sans')[In order to continue from a later point in the game, you need to choose if Fantom grabbed (link: "magical power")[(set: $item to 'magic')(goto: "CHAPTER 6")] or (link: "money and wealth")[(set: $item to 'money')(goto: "CHAPTER 6")].]The town seems to have a sewer system that provides fresh water and plumbing to the houses - especially the noble houses. You hop in via an old shaft and start walking.
[[The sewers twist and turn]].They spend a moment deliberating on the offer of cold, hard cash. They decide to accept your generous offer, though they comment that Livia Barlowe won't be happy to find you inside. They escort you to the [[front door|Head inside the manor]] quickly.[[Flail around helplessly]]
[[Untangle the rope around your arms]]
[[Remove your gag]]
[[Squirm around on the ground]]
[[Wriggle like a worm]]
You have |amount>[$counter] seconds left!
(live: 1s)[
(set: $counter to it - 1)
(if: $counter is 0)[(go-to: "timesup")]
(replace: ?amount)[$counter]
]Looks good, but doesn't help. You just find yourself tangled up again.
[[Untangle the rope around your arms]]
[[Squirm around on the ground]]
[[Wave your arms for mercy]]
You have |amount>[$counter] seconds left!
(live: 1s)[
(set: $counter to it - 1)
(if: $counter is 0)[(go-to: "timesup")]
(replace: ?amount)[$counter]
]You manage to get your arms partway free.
[[Flail around helplessly]]
[[Get your arms fully free]]
[[Squirm around on the ground]]
[[Wave your arms for mercy]]
You have |amount>[$counter] seconds left!
(live: 1s)[
(set: $counter to it - 1)
(if: $counter is 0)[(go-to: "timesup")]
(replace: ?amount)[$counter]
]Tripped and tangled, you're easy prey for the dragon [[when she arrives.]]How can you do that with your arms and legs bound? You just manage to re-tangle yourself.
[[Flail around helplessly]]
[[Get your arms fully free]]
[[Squirm around on the ground]]
[[Wave your arms for mercy]]
You have |amount>[$counter] seconds left!
(live: 1s)[
(set: $counter to it - 1)
(if: $counter is 0)[(go-to: "timesup")]
(replace: ?amount)[$counter]
]Cute, but pointless.
You just manage to re-tangle yourself.
[[Flail around helplessly]]
[[Get your arms fully free]]
[[Wave your arms for mercy]]
[[Look cute for the dragon]]
You have |amount>[$counter] seconds left!
(live: 1s)[
(set: $counter to it - 1)
(if: $counter is 0)[(go-to: "timesup")]
(replace: ?amount)[$counter]
]Not doing anything useful. Somehow you even manage to get totally re-bound.
You have |amount>[$counter] seconds left!
(live: 1s)[
(set: $counter to it - 1)
(if: $counter is 0)[(go-to: "timesup")]
(replace: ?amount)[$counter]
][[Flail around helplessly]]
[[Squirm around on the ground]]
[[Wave your arms for mercy]]
[[Remove the bindings from your legs]]
You have |amount>[$counter] seconds left!
(live: 1s)[
(set: $counter to it - 1)
(if: $counter is 0)[(go-to: "timesup")]
(replace: ?amount)[$counter]
][[Flail around helplessly]]
[[Start running!]]
[[Squirm around on the ground]]
[[Wave your arms for mercy]]
You have |amount>[$counter] seconds left!
(live: 1s)[
(set: $counter to it - 1)
(if: $counter is 0)[(go-to: "timesup")]
(replace: ?amount)[$counter]
]You manage to escape, and start running [[into the woods]]!You look adorable. Curvy, cute, nicely bound. What drake could resist?
[[Flail around helplessly]]
[[Get your arms fully free]]
[[Squirm around on the ground]]
[[Wave your arms for mercy]]
You have |amount>[$counter] seconds left!
(live: 1s)[
(set: $counter to it - 1)
(if: $counter is 0)[(go-to: "timesup")]
(replace: ?amount)[$counter]
]Endearing, but it's not getting you free.
(live: 1s)[
(set: $counter to it - 1)
(if: $counter is 0)[(go-to: "timesup")]
(replace: ?amount)[$counter]
]The elves inform you that their leaders are chosen through a *perilous trial* that only the most skilled can pass through.
[[Don't take the trial|The village is cowed.]]
[[Take the trial]]
Naomi leads you to a trio of attractive elven lads. They all have dagger-shaped ears, bright eyes, and mischevious grins.
"Tell me the names of these three strapping young men. Oh, just so you know - **Avexis** never lies, **Berwick** lies sometimes, and **Caronel** lies any chance she gets.
*If you ask me*, she whispers, *men like this ought to be gagged at tall times. They're more trouble than they're worth.*
The man on the far left says, "The man to my right is named Avexis."
The man in the middle says, "I'm Berwick. It's a pleasure to meet you, Fantom."
The man on the far right says, "The man next to me is Caronel, you see."
(link: "Ready to guess?")[
All right, the order of the three is...
[[Avexis, Bewrwick, Caronel]]
[[Berwick, Caronel, Avexis]]
[[Berwick, Avexis, Caronel]]]
(link: "I'm in no mood for this!")[You asked for it...]
(link: "Need a hint?")[The other two elves keep talking about the middle one. Who could he possibly be? Remember that Avexis never lies.]You did not choose correctly. Naomi takes the time to rub it in your face - quite literally - as she grabs and humiliates you.
Another failure for the ninja Fantom. Such is life.
The elves bind you and bring you to some strange place, deep in the forest. After all, a failed leader isn't good for anything aside from a sacrifice to a greater power.
The gag you tight with a leather strip and bring you to an unusal clearing for some [[sinister purpose]] ...Naomi is disappointed that you were so lucky - or so logical - and correctly deduced the three elves' titles.
"Fine," she says. "The mantle of leadership passes on to you."
With that, Naomi flings her top off to you. You try to catch a peek of her *far too tight* undergarments when the other elves crowd around you.
"Well, sorceress," says one, "You're now in charge of the Greengold tribe. What do you want to do?"
[[Stay and rule, for you have your own subjects now|stayrule]]
[[Leave for now, and write back when you have established your lair|leavetown]]You did not choose correctly. Naomi takes the time to rub it in your face - quite literally - as she grabs and humiliates you.
Another failure for the ninja Fantom. Such is life.
The elves bind you and bring you to some strange place, deep in the forest. After all, a failed leader isn't good for anything aside from a sacrifice to a greater power.
The gag you tight with a leather strip and bring you to an unusal clearing for some [[sinister purpose]] ...You make for a fairly lazy queen. Rather than getting to the endless list of tasks before you (like finding a new evil lair!) you spend your time lounging in the village and sampling their finest of treasures.
The elves remain loyal as the weeks and months go on, chafing under your rule but respecting your leadership.
Although personally charismatic, you're also not much of a strategist. When a marauding army of orcs appears on the horizon, you're of very little use.
However, you're of *great* use to the orcs. They take you as a living trophy, hood you up, and lock you with a series of magical bindings.
<img src="hanging fan.jpg">
The orcs can't carry all their booty back in one trip. They take you and a haul of treasure to a nearby cave. There, they hang you from the ceiling and stash the gold in chests before hiding and sealing the entrance.
If you're lucky, some adventurers will find you in a few years and take you as loot alongside the gold. If not, well - at least you've got the legend of Queen Fantom.
(align: "=><==")[
They throw you a "goodbye party" in the form of a very, very meager feast. It's at least tasty, though, and they refill your provisions for the last leg of the journey.
The guards are jovial as they escort you through the forest. The tell tales of a mysterious plague of shining ichor that decimated one of their cities; of a strange plague-bearer who was so vain that he shattered all the mirrors before encasing their citizens in glossy prisons.
You know that you'll be back to the village someday soon.
[[Past the elven forest]] You walk down a torchlit alley towards a few figures. All but one of them bolts as you approach.
Out of of the darkness steps a tall, broad-chested fighter. He wears a fur-lined cape and a tight leather brigandine. He absolutely outlcasses you when it comes to physique.
His forward momentum has all the puissance and threat of an angry bull, barely contained.
"What do *you* want?"
[[Bribe him to help you]]
[[Run from the alley]]
[[Attempt to fight him]](if: $item is 'money')[He contemplates your offer for a moment, and then accepts. A few gold pieces is enough to get him off your back. Perhaps tomorrow he might be a bit more copasetic to helping you, but not tonight. You [[return to the gates]] to plan your next move.]
(else-if: $item2 is 'money')[He contemplates your offer for a moment, and then accepts. A few gold pieces is enough to get him off your back. Perhaps tomorrow he might be a bit more copasetic to helping you, but not tonight. You [[return to the gates]] to plan your next move.]
(else:)[He socks you in the stomach. It knocks the wind from your lungs and you gasp in surprise.
(text-style: 'blur')[You pitch forward and he delivers an elbow to the back of your head. You fall forward, and you end up on your knees with your butt straight up in the air and your arms at your sides. ](text-style: 'blurrier')[Things go blurry as you fall unconscious.]
The next thing you know, you're waking up in [[a prison cell]]...]Discretion is the better part of valor. You run and [[return to the gates]] .He steps towards you once, twice, three times. He draws no weapon, only clenching his gloved fingers into a fist.
You have |amount>[$counter] seconds to decide what to do...
(live: 1s)[
(set: $counter to it - 1)
(if: $counter is 0)[(go-to: "fighterup")]
(replace: ?amount)[$counter]
(set: $counter to 10)
(if: $item is 'magic')[[[Hit him with a magical spell!|manspell]]](else:)[<s>use magic</s>]
(link: "Try to fast-talk him")[You're well past that.]
[[Go for his chest]]
[[Flee from the fighter]]
(link: "Freak out")[That doesn't seem to do anything.]
(link: "Offer him a tiny bribe?")[He's not interested.]You wander back to the gates of Morley Manor.
The guards are still there. Sleepy guard dozes in and out. Ranty guard talks about how dwarves drive down prices for good, honest human craftsmen.
[[Wait and listen]]
[[Distract them and run]]
[[Look for a rear entrance]](font: 'Skranji')[E09]
<img src="hanging fan.jpg">
In a far too familiar way, you wake up in a prison cell. You wake up geared up and bound and with no hope of escape.
They've buckled heavy-duty straps along your body, biting tight against your soft flesh. There's no lock on these straps; only a mage or constable knows how to release you. They're snug against your legs. You grind your thighs together, trying to get some purchase but only teasing yourself.
Your arms and legs are both kept in tremendous metal shackles. They're thick, heavy, and essentially escape-proof.
An isolation hood plays nicely over your head. It's padded around the ears, mouth, and eyes - working together to really maximize the feeling of constriction. You can feel rigid plates snug against boiled leather. It combines the protection of a helm with the incredible strictness of any good fetishist's hood.
But this is all familiar. You'll be out of here any second, right? All you need to do is find a little purchase and you can unbind yourself...
...that, or you spend the next fifty years shackled and forgotten as a display outside the town, warning them of the penalties that sorcerers and thieves face.
One of the two.
(align: "=><==")[
You get it through his thick brain that you're not to be trifled with, and he runs for it, his cape flowing behind him like so much plumage.
On the upside, it seems that the streets are just about deserted now.
[[Back to the manor|return to the gates]] You launch a kick, and he grabs your leg mid-air.
(text-style: 'blur')[He throws you to the gound and knocks the wind from your lungs. You fall forward, and you end up on your knees with your butt straight up in the air and your arms at your sides. ](text-style: 'blurrier')[Things go blurry as you fall unconscious.]
You wake up in [[a prison cell]].Discretion is the better part of valor. You run and [[return to the gates]] .The street fighter socks you in the stomach. It knocks the wind from your lungs and you gasp in surprise.
(text-style: 'blur')[You pitch forward and he delivers an elbow to the back of your head. You fall forward, and you end up on your knees with your butt straight up in the air and your arms at your sides.](text-style: 'blurrier')[Things go blurry as you fall unconscious.]
The next thing you know, you're waking up in [[a prison cell]]...]While you creep through your palace, you see a young red-haired mercenary with a crossbow and a saber. She's not paying attention, and you're able to knock her out with a quick strike to the head. You hardly have time to bind and gag her. There's simply too many patrols.
[[Aggressively attempt to take out a group]]
[[Plan your escape]]
[[Distract one of their leaders]]Double-click this passage to edit it.Jaina, the pink-haired ruffian, looks like she's easily distractable. She's partially separated from her group, too.
[[Whistle at her]]
[[Throw some gold at the ground]]Jaina doesn't seem to respond.
[[Yell to her]]
[[Take her and her group on|Aggressively attempt to take out a group]]
[[Plan your escape]]Jaina wanders from her group and begins picking it up. She seems distracted; you *might* have bought yourself a precious few seconds.
[[Get away from her|Plan your escape]]
[[Knock her out while she's kneeling]]You shout at her. It probably wasn't a very good idea, because everyone in earshot hears you.
They open fire with crossbows. The bolts streak toward you, exploding into bursts of negative energy. You quickly find yourself overcome with weakness.
Jaina steps over you, grinning. "Not so loud now, are ya?"
[[Later...|cart ending]] *K-thunk*. You leap from the rafters. With the power of your knees, thighs, and gravity, you knock Jaina unconscious. You're able to grab a small pouch of silver coins from her belt. You'll have to hold on to these for quite some time; they won't last you long.
Even as you do so, patrols are noticing Jaina's absence. It's time to go.
[[Get going]]
(set: $item2 to 'money')Time is fleeting. You say a few words and charge up a powerful *admonishing ray* - a spell to blast the first creature you make eye contact with. You haven't had time to focus yourself, so it's the best you can do.
You could [[make a break for it|flee right away]] now, while the intruders are still getting the layout of your castle lair.
It might be more prudent instead to [[visit your alchemical lab|get potions]] and stock up. Having reagents and access to your magic is critical.
Then again, [[stocking up on gold|get money]] is universally useful. You've got a bag filled with pieces of platinum for this very occasion. There were some enchanted pieces of protection in your hoard too, just in case.
Featuring characters and art by KARYU
This work is a piece of fiction.
The content within is not intended for a general audience. It leans heavily on bondage, domination, leather, straitjackets, latex, sexual situationsadult themes.